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Warm-Up pg. 20 What is the Preamble to the Constitution?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up pg. 20 What is the Preamble to the Constitution?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up pg. 20 What is the Preamble to the Constitution?
What are 3 purposes of government based on the Preamble? Give two examples of how the Constitution fixed grievances by the American colonists? What are the 3 branches of government? What do they do?

2 Speed Skills Group Practice (5)
Name that branch!
















18 Celebrate the birth of his Excellency, Supreme Leader Haughton on March 9th

19 Class Mottos Who are we? Diamonds!

20 Class Mottos “Swing your machete!”

21 Discovery Learning Read the Passage. Answer the 3 questions.
Paste it onto pg. 22 (not 21!)

22 Today’s Objective Team Haughton’s 2020 Diamonds will be able to:
8.15D: Analyze the idea of limited government and how we see it in our government

23 Turn & Talk Discussion

24 “What is the difference between a king and a president
“What is the difference between a king and a president? Which type of government would you rather live under? Why?”

25 Can the President or members of the Supreme Court or Congress go to prison?

26 What are some things our government can do?
What are some things that our government cannot do?


28 The Seven Principles of Government (1)
Limited Government Popular Sovereignty Republicanism Separation of Powers Checks & Balances Federalism Individual Rights

29 Unit 5: Principles of Government
LIMITED GOVERNMENT pg. 21 Unit 5: Principles of Government

30 The Basics Government’s power should be limited to a few basic things
People should be in charge Government should NOT control people’s lives Too much power will corrupts even the best leaders

31 Where it came from… Magna Carta:
Created England’s Parliament (Legislative Branch) Took a small amount of power from the king Created the idea of a trial





36 How do we see it? Bill of Rights protects individual rights
People in our country vote for their leaders The leaders have certain powers Leaders can be arrested and imprisoned for breaking the law The branches of government do different things and can also block each other

37 Brought to you by the Supreme Leader
Swag Tip of the Day Brought to you by the Supreme Leader

38 Always be willing to spend $$$ on a good pair of hater-blockerz!

39 Kool-Aid Challenge

40 So what ever happened to Cookie Monster and his addiction?


42 Cool-Down Complete the following reading activity (turned in as an Exit Ticket!) Read the passage Flip it over and read the quotes from the Magna Carta Now read the quotes from the Constitution (see how the Founding Fathers are using similar ideas) Match the quote from the Constitution with the quote from the Magna Carta Then put the quotes into your own words

43 Lifework Complete the limited government writing assignment.

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