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Surface-functionalized, pH-responsive poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)- based microparticles for intranasal vaccine delivery: Effect of surface modification.

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Presentation on theme: "Surface-functionalized, pH-responsive poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)- based microparticles for intranasal vaccine delivery: Effect of surface modification."— Presentation transcript:

1 Surface-functionalized, pH-responsive poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)- based microparticles for intranasal vaccine delivery: Effect of surface modification with chitosan and mannan Jihui Lee DEC 13, 2016

2 PLGA Surface modification for adjuvant effects
pH dependent release rate (NaHCO3) L:G=75:25, MW : 13kDa protect antigen from protease degradation deliver antigen to antigen presenting cells (APCs) Double emulsion: sustained release(kinetics), can’t lypholize (many pockets in plga) Mn: mannose receptor ligand

3 PLGA protect antigen from protease degradation
deliver antigen to antigen presenting cells (APCs) Double emulsion: sustained release(kinetics), can’t lypholize (many pockets in plga) Mn: mannose receptor ligand

4 PLGA Chitosan ZETA: PLGA size:773nm SEM: modification is bigger
Cs:+, MANNAN:- charge

5 In vitro release rate FITC-HSC
Surface modification-release rate, antigenicity How they control ph of body? Ph7.4 fast due to nahco3+proton=co2-rupture

6 In vitro uptake efficiency
Measure FITC-HSA Cs content (+) make better uptake MN increase in 12345 5: macrophage pre-treated with mannose for 30min

7 Intracellular, in vitro release rate
FITC-HSC PLGA,MN:faster, Intra cellular is similar with ph 5-6 (occurs in late endosome, lysosome) CS:slower, Similar with ph 7.4(occurs in cytoplasm)

8 In vivo release rate AFTER 10min, Plga 54%, MN 60% REMAIN IN NASAL CAVITY After 1 hrm Cs 33%,, cs-MN remain 29% (longer residence time) CS:Mucoadhesive property Extended time-facilitate penetration of microparticles into sub-mucosa

9 In vivo release rate Rat ELISA: Measure serum specific anti-Hbsag igG ab level 0.3.6week administration (intranasaly) except Alum:0,3 week(subcutaneously) At 8weeks, alum is high At16 weeks, cs is highest Cs:improve penetration and uptake of microparicle CS Sustain release: prolonged ag presentation, lead powerful immune response Cs-ms:combine release pattern, fast in endo/slow in cytoplasm-stronger immune response

10 Hydrodynamic size with zetasizer?
pH control in body? FITC-HSA in stead of HBsAg. Release rate & immune response

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