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Layers of the atmosphere:

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Presentation on theme: "Layers of the atmosphere:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Layers of the atmosphere:
separated by the variation of temperature patterns.

2 Handy Dandy Earth Science Reference Tables: Page 14
How High? 80miles 50miles 25miles 15miles

3 And in Km’s? 140km 115km 80km 50km 30km

4 Gets warmer- atoms moving faster
Gets colder as you get higher Avg. temp at ground is 15°C Gets warmer as you get higher Temps get colder as you get higher

5 Troposphere “The Troublesphere” We live in the troposphere.
All weather and water vapor are in this layer. Gets colder as you go up. 0-18 km “The Troublesphere”

6 Stratosphere Temperatures get warmer as you go up.
Home of the Ozone layer.

7 Composition of the Atmosphere:
All other gasses: CO2, Ar, Methane etc

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