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Single atom point contact when the wires bounce out of contact.

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1 Single atom point contact when the wires bounce out of contact.
This arrow indicates the trigger level The y-axis shows the output of the current preamp. The current preamp outputs 100 mV for every 1 mA of current in the circuit There is a 10 mV voltage driving the current through the gold wires The oscilloscope reads “zero” when the trace falls on this horizontal dashed line This loose connection spends about 100 microseconds as a single atom point contact when the wires bounce out of contact. Single atom point contact when the wires bounce out of contact. Quantum of Conductance, G = h/2e2

2 A 10 mV The ammeter sends a signal to the oscilloscope
Crossed wires have some resistance, depending on cross-sectional area, etc. Oscilloscopes are needed to monitor signals that change quickly as a function of time

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