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Today’s goals Introduce final project – Vlog Composition

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1 Today’s goals Introduce final project – Vlog Composition
Select topics and begin planning for the final project Introduce strategies for counterarguments

2 Class discussion- counterarguments
What happens if someone disagrees with our evaluation? What are the main reasons, topics, or factors that opponent’s would focus on in an evaluative counterargument? How can we allay our audience’s counterarguments even though we are not conversing with them?

3 Main evaluative counterarguments
The most common objects to an evaluation usually fall in one of three categories: The class/genre in which you have placed your subject Ex: By classifying a movie as a drama when someone else considers it a romance, you will automatically have disagreement about the criteria and overall evaluation The criteria you have developed for assessing your subject Ex: If someone disagrees that special effects are a necessary criteria, or that they should be a criteria at all, they will certainly disagree about your evaluation based on this criteria The degree to which your subject matches the criteria you have chosen Ex: Even if you agree with someone on the class and criteria you have chosen, they may still disagree about whether your subject was successful for each of the criteria because everyone person will have a slightly different interpretation of the threshold of success

4 Treatment of Alternative or opposing views
Final section of your evaluation essay to be added Should occur after your criteria but before your conclusion Should address one or more counterarguments Focus on whatever counterarguments someone could raise about your topic

5 Group activity- responding to objections
In your unit 3 groups Read “Responding to Objections” on pg and answer questions 1-2

6 Group activity- responding to objections – pt 2
In your unit 3 groups Share the final theses and criteria you have developed for your essay For each student, identify: What are the 2 most common reasons someone would object to your theses or criteria? How could each of these be refuted?

7 Class discussion- vlogs
What is a vlog? Have you ever created or watched vlogs before? What is the purpose of a vlog? What kind of content is used in vlogs?

8 vlog Definition: A video blog (or log). A journalistic video documentation on the web of a person's life, thoughts, opinions, and interests. A vlog can be topical and timeless, instructional and entertaining. The main thread is trying to communicate on a personal level with your audience. Vlogs are usually unscripted although vloggers prepare and practice ahead of time, and many will go through several “takes” of a vlog to get it right Common Vlog types/topics: Personal/reflective Political How to Review Make up Etc.

9 Final project- vlog composition
Your final ENC1930 grade (after the WTE) Create a 3-5 minute video blog to present to the class Due Wednesday Present to class and submit file (via or youtube link) Should NOT be completely scripted although an outline is helpful (class activity) 10% of final ENC1930 grade. Additional extra credit for going to other ENC classes to view their vlogs

10 Vlog topics Audience: Your fellow ENC1930 classmates. This audience can be considered informal Purpose: your vlog should utilize one set of the compositional skills we have developed this semester: reflective, informative, or evaluative Reflective: What did you learn this semester in ENC1930? What activities did you like/dislike the most? How can you apply what you have learned in the future? Informative: Create a how to or political or news blog entry. You should find at least two sources to aid you in creating this type of vlog Evaluative: Create a review of a movie, television show season, or new product. You should give an evaluation with criteria and evidence, just as in your WTE essay

11 Class activity- vlog analysis
In three groups Select one type of vlog (or vlog topic) that your group would like to investigate further Search online (via youtube or google) and find an example vlog entry of that type to show to the class Answer the following questions about the vlog: Who is the author of the vlog? Where did you find the vlog? What is the title of the individual vlog entry? What is the purpose of this vlog entry? What evidence or support does the vlog use for this? How scripted vs. prepared does the vlog seem?

12 homework Read A&B 176-180 WTE-Final Draft
Printed and brought to conference 500+ words Should include your: introduction, body paragraphs, counterarguments, conclusion, and works cited page Final Draft due to by 4-13 at midnight

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