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Social Change and Watergate

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1 Social Change and Watergate

2 Soviet Union and the U.S. Détente - a policy, which attempted to relax or ease tensions between US and USSR during Nixon’s administration No formal policy – just agreement made between Nixon and Brezhnev EX: SALT I and SALT II

3 Salt II SALT II (1979) – agreement between the U.S. and Soviet Union to limit nuclear missiles and ballistic missiles

4 Equal Rights Equal Right Amendment (ERA) – an amendment in Congress that would have given women equal rights and protection under the law

5 Roe V. Wade Roe V. Wade(1973) - upheld the right for women to control their own bodies and to have an abortion

6 The Environment Silent Spring – book written by Rachel Carson that was concerned about pollution Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)– agency in charge of enforcing pollution standards Clean Air and Water Act (1970) – act that established standards for emission and contaminants in the water

7 Watergate Scandal Nixon won reelection in 1972
1973, reports suggested that the White House staff broke in to Watergate Hotel (Democrat headquarters) Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein from the Washington Post, revealed that certain officials probably broke in

8 Sam Ervin – senator from North Carolina who found Nixon’s tapes
Court ordered the tapes to be turned over, but Nixon refused

9 U.S. v. Nixon United States vs. Nixon (1974) – ruled that Richard Nixon had to turnover tapes that had been subpoenaed Nixon turned over the tapes, much of it edited Days later, Nixon resigned and was replaced by new vice president Gerald Ford

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