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Shelly Ellis Middle School National Teacher of the Year 2015

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1 Shelly Ellis Middle School National Teacher of the Year 2015
SHAPE Washington Shelly Ellis Middle School National Teacher of the Year 2015 University Prep, Seattle, Washington @shellyellis4pe

2 WiFi

Go to and register today! SPARK eNewsletter Go to and sign up today! SPARK Grant Finder Go to and find a grant today! Standards Alignment See how Sportime Featuring SPARK aligns with national and state content standsards at!

4 SHAPE America

5 Session: Kicked out of the Gym? No Worries!
Essential Questions speed rounds Powtoons/ Kahoot/Quizizz/Poll Everywhere Fish Bowl- Taboo, Pictionary, Charades, One Word. Body Systems Heads Up Traffic Jam Memory- Nutrients, Components of Fitness

6 Speed Questions Have questions premade, and have students talk about whatever you want them to think about and discuss/friendly debate. Timed for as long as you think needed, and then rotate!

7 Technology FUN! POWTOON Kahoot Quizizz Poll Everywhere
Powtoon- intro to school year Kahoot- Quizizz- show how you can see edits

8 FISH BOWL This is a fun way to review for upcoming quizzes/tests. There are four parts (levels) to the game: Taboo- can’t say “the word”, rhyming to the word either. Pictionary- Draw Act it out- No talking One Word- can only use one word to describe the word The object of the game is to see what team can identify the most nutrition words in the minute allotted, per game level. Students are in groups of 6-12, sit in a circle, and every other student is on one team. Student from Team A has the fish bowl first and pulls out cards and first plays “Taboo” – saying words to describe the word the student has on the card. If the Team guesses it, the student places it down beside him/herself and pulls another. If student wants to pass they can (put the card back into the fish bowl at the end of the round. At the end of the round they total up how many words they were successful at getting. Then pass the fish bowl to the student next to him/her on Team B and they do the same thing. This continues on with each level of the game. When all the cards are gone, count up which team has the most points!


10 Traffic Jam Objective: The object of the game is to legally move the students on the left side, to the right; and the students on the right side, to the left.  To start, have one student on each of the spots with arrows, and facing the direction that the arrow indicates.  So, each team is facing the unoccupied, middle spot.  Following are the rules that must be followed during this activity:                     Illegal Moves      1.  Students may not move backwards nor turn around.      2.  May not move around anyone facing the same direction that you are facing.      3.  May not move more than one person at a time.                      Legal Moves      4.  A student must move to an unoccupied space in front of them. (Remember, no moving backwards)      5.   You may move past a student facing the opposite direction to get to the empty space behind him/her.      6.  You may not move past more than 1 student (remember, they must be facing the opposite direction).

11 Memory- nutrition Style



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