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1 International

2 The Welcome Center Berlin, 01.02.2018 Ayten Doğan

3 History of the Welcome Center => The idea stemmed from findings of a working group of state secretaries called „working group growing city“ (2013 – 2014) => Study on welcome structures, ordered by the Commissoner for Integration and Migration (2014) => Development of the concept throughout 2014/2015; decision of the senat in December => August 18th 2016: The Welcome Center was opened

4 The team of the Welcome Center
The Welcome Center consists of 5 consultants 1 public relation officer 1 coordinator 1 the head of the Center

5 Services of the Welcome Center
orientation counseling legal advise regarding alien and social law support by filling in forms (social benefits, child benefits) counseling regarding: − acess to the labour market − education and advanced training −occupational choice −founding of a small business − recognition of qualifications from abroad − Berlin hardship fund


7 Team and partners of the Welcome Center

8 Virtual service Homepage: important information for new Berliners in nine languages ( Online-advise to questions directed at counseling within social media structures (projekt „ new in Berlin“ with minor; french, english, polish, arabic facebook groups) Facebook und Twitter Account

9 Visitors of the Welcome Center
There is an average of 110 visitors per week (opening hours: 15). 20 % are from the EU 40 % are third states citizens (students, artists, cases of familiy unification, people seeking a job etc) 40 % are refugees questions from abroad group counseling contact point for NGOs, volunteers and other advise centers

10 Thank you! Kontakt Senatsverwaltung für Integration, Arbeit und Soziales Ayten Dogan; Beauftragter des Senats von Berlin für Integration und Migration Potsdamer Straße 65, Berlin Telefon:

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