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How to get that perfect job!

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1 How to get that perfect job!
Employment Practices How to get that perfect job!

2 Developing Job Keeping Skills
A recent survey of employers asked for information on deficiencies of high school graduates. This is what they said: Poor written grammar, spelling, speech and math skills Lack of respect for work Lack of self-initiative Poor personal appearance Not accepting responsibility Inability to accept criticism Poor attendance (including excessive tardiness)

3 Grammar & Absenteeism Includes both written and spoken word
Patients often judge ability on how well a person speaks or writes information Use of words like “ain’t” indicate a lack of education and do not create a favorable or professional impression. Many health care facilities provide care 24/7 all 365 days a year. An employee who is late or frequently absent can cause a major disruption in work schedules and contribute to a lack of personnel to provide patient care. Most employers have strict rules on absenteeism and a series of absences or record of tardiness can result in the loss of a job. Be prepared to work when you arrive at work.

4 Practice Teamwork Be willing to work with others
If you are willing to help others when they need help, they will be willing to help you. Two or three people working together can lift a heavy patient easier than a single person working alone. Strive to be a worker who has self-initiative, who sees a job that needs to be done and does it…. It’s a valuable asset

5 Promote a positive attitude
By being positive, you create a good impression and encourage the same attitude in others. Concentrate on the good aspects of a job and the rewards it can provide. work will seem more pleasant and satisfying Many times, employees only concentrate on the negative aspects of a job Every job will have some bad points Criticizing is easy and leads to a negative attitude

6 Accept Responsibility
Accept responsibility for your actions. Take responsibility for mistakes Report mistakes to your supervisor Make every effort to correct the mistake Honesty is essential in healthcare When you do not accept responsibility for your actions, this is a form of dishonesty. Dishonesty is often a reason for dismissal and can prevent you from obtaining another position.

7 Applying for a job You will need several documents prepared in order to make your best impression when applying for a job. Cover letter Resume’ Career portfolio Job application forms

8 Cover Letter Purpose of a cover letter is to obtain an interview
Cover letter must create a good impression so the employer will be interested in having you as an employee Letter should follow the correct form for letters. When possible, address the letter to the correct individual (name of HR person, department head, etc…)

9 Resume’s A resume’ is a record of information about an individual. It is a brief summary an individual’s education, experience and abilities. A resume’ should be typed and attractive in appearance. Creates an impression Information should be organized Good quality paper, correct spelling and punctuation, straight and even margins are all essential components. Format’s may vary

10 Resume’s cont’d. Parts of a resume include:
Personal identification (name, address, phone #’s) Employment objective (list title of position you are seeking Educational background (name & address of HS, special courses that contribute to position; if you have started college, list those first) Work or employment experience (previous positions, start with most recent and work backward, include name & address of employer, use action words to describe duties i.e.“sterilize supplies”)

11 Resume’s cont’d. Parts of a resume cont’d:
Skills (list special knowledge that can be used in job you are seeking), list should be specific (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), list should indicate your ability to perform the job duties Other activities (list organizations that you are a member of, offices held, community activities), keep information brief, list activities such as school, church, and community, write out full name of organization not just identifying letters (HOSA = Health Occupation Students of America) References (available upon request is most common statement used in resume’s, ask permission before using name, no relatives or HS friends, use professionals ).

12 Career Portfolio Allows you to present yourself in an organized and efficient manner when you interview for schools or employment. Portfolio’s contain the following types of information: Introductory letter Resume Skills and competency level Letters of Recommendation (instructors, counselors, supervisors at clinical sites, members of community) Copies of work evaluations (paid or unpaid positions) Leadership and organizational abilities (participation in HOSA, leadership skills you have mastered, etc… Organize into a binder or portfolio, use tab dividers to separate information into sections, use correct grammar and punctuation, take with you during school or job interviews)

13 Job Application Forms Used by employers to collect specific information. Read form before completing information. May be a paper form, but more commonly needs to be completed online. Make sure you have all required information when you go to a job interview. Most employers will want application completed before scheduling interview. Fill out blanks completely and neatly (put “none” or “n/a” if item does not apply). Type or print neatly Be sure all information is correct and truthful. If not, may be grounds for termination later. Be sure to sign and date after reading the statement/permissions. Proofread the completed application before turning in or hitting submit.

14 Job Interview An employer has selected you for interview as a result of your resume and/or application form. This allows the employer to meet you in person, obtain additional information, and see if you meet the job qualifications. Also allows the employer to tell you more about the position in detail. Preparation is key – make sure you have a copy of your cover letter and resume’ with you, bring portfolio if you have one, research the employer and/or the position so you can be more aware of their needs before the interview.

15 Job Interview cont’d. Note scheduled date and time of interview (name of person you should contact, place, time, etc..) Dress carefully conservative, coat & tie best for males, dresses or skirts for females clothes should be clean and pressed first impressions are critical avoid bright flashy colors

16 Job Interview cont’d. Check entire appearance
Hair should be neat, clean, styled attractively Nails should be clean Females should avoid bright nail polish Avoid use of too much make-up or perfume Make sure teeth are clean and breath is fresh Avoid excessive jewelry (especially piercings) Use a good antiperspirant

17 Job Interview con’d. Leave early for the interview
Best to arrive 5-10 minutes early If you are late, may cost you the job (punctuality!!!) Allow time for traffic, trains, other complications During the interview: Greet the interviewer by name, introduce yourself, shake hands, smile Remain standing until asked to sit Use correct grammar and avoid slang words while answering questions

18 Job Interview cont’d. During the interview cont’d.
Be polite, use correct manners Maintain eye contact (avoid looking at the floor, look at the middle of their forehead or tip of the nose) Answer questions thoroughly without going into long drawn out explanations Do not smoke, chew gum or eat candy Be yourself (do not assume different mannerisms) Be enthusiastic and display a positive attitude Listen closely (do not interrupt, let them take the lead)

19 Job Interview cont’d. During the interview cont’d.
Avoid awkward habits (swinging legs, playing with hair, tapping hands, etc…) Never discuss personal problems, finances, or similar situations Do not criticize former employers in any way Answer questions truthfully to the best of your ability Think before you respond to organize information Be proud/sell yourself to a degree (skills, training, willingness to learn, use examples when possible)

20 Job Interview cont’d. During the interview cont’d.
Don’t immediately ask questions about salary, benefits, insurance, etc… this is done at the end of the interview or when they call back to offer the position. If the employer asks if you have any questions, ask about job description, specific responsibilities, uniform, potential for career growth, orientation program, etc… Do not expect to be offered a position at the end of the interview. Thank the employer for the interview, shake hands, smile, be polite and exit with confidence.

21 Job Interview cont’d. After the interview:
Send a follow up note or letter to thank the employer for the interview, indicate that you are still interested in the position, suggest that you are available for further questioning (second interview). A thank you note can sometimes be the deciding factor when several candidates are being interviewed. Reflect on the interview – cannot possibly anticipate all questions that may be asked, use experience to prepare for future interviews

22 Job Interview cont’d. Interview No-No’s
No questions can be asked that relate to age, cultural or ethnic background, marital status, parenthood, religion, race, or sex. Employers know this. If a question is asked of this nature, you have the right to refuse to answer. Be polite but firm. You can always ask “may I ask how this would affect the job we are discussing?”.

23 Remember… Punctuality, attendance, honesty, and time management (from our first lesson) are critical skills in maintaining the position you have worked so hard to obtain.

24 Job Search Activity Log onto
Select one of the job categories from the table of contents by clicking on the category. Then, click on one of the jobs in that category to display a list of information about that job (scroll bar in on the right). You can learn about salary, length of education, which colleges in Texas offer the curriculum, type of degree earned, and contact information about that profession.

25 What would you do??? You are normally assigned to the Surgical Floor at your hospital. Today when you report to work, your charge nurse tells you that you need to report to the Oncology floor (where you really don’t like to work). What would you do??

26 What would you do??? You transferred to a new job location and one of your co-workers seems to have taken an immediate dislike to you. He is abrupt in his remarks, talks about you behind your back, is rude in his conversations with you. What do you do???

27 What would you do??? You have been working at your facility for a number of years and have been promoted several times. Your employer has decided to restructure the unit and in order to keep your job, you have to return to staffing the unit on the weekends. What do you do???

28 What would you do??? You are employed at a Long Term Care Center as a Physical Therapist. The facility is bought by another corporation and you are told that your services are no longer necessary. What would you do???

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