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Abstract Writing Periodic Table Exam Review

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1 Abstract Writing Periodic Table Exam Review

2 Common Core Connection
Objectives Today I will be able to: Explain the components of an effective abstract Apply knowledge of the periodic table to an exam review Informal assessment – monitor student interactions and questions as they participate in jeopardy and ask questions about abstract writing Formal assessment – analyzing student responses to the exit ticket and jeopardy questions Common Core Connection Make sense of problem and persevere in solving them Reason abstractly and quantitatively

3 Lesson Sequence Evaluate: Warm-Up Explain: How to write an abstract
Evaluate: Periodic Table Jeopardy Elaborate: Periodic Trends Practice Evaluate: Exit Ticket

4 Warm - Up Who was the first scientist to construct a periodic table based on increasing atomic mass and arranging elements into families with similar properties? Who created periodic law? What is periodic law?

5 Objectives Today I will be able to:
Explain the components of an effective abstract Apply knowledge of the periodic table to an exam review

6 Homework Study for Periodic Table Exam Tomorrow
Begin working on Abstract Due Monday, December 9, 2013

7 Writing an Abstract

8 What is an abstract? A concise summary of your experiment
Summarized in 250 words or less STEM Fair judges will read over your abstract to understand what you did in your project

9 Components of an Abstract
Problem Statement and hypothesis Brief explanation of experimental procedure A brief overview of results With quantitative data included Conclusion Application and (or) relevance of findings Write in past tense and passive voice

10 Example # 1 This project will exdplain whether or not antibacterial soap really kill germs. Antibacterial soap is known to be the most germ killing soap. To perform this experiment you must have a veriable and a control. The variable will be the antibacterial soap in which you will have to test three differnt times for each of the 3 soaps. The soaps will be Daial with antibacterial and dial without antibacterial, lever2000 with antibacterial and Lever without antibacterial, zest with antibactrial and zest without antibacterial. The control will be regular soap. The test will be used using petri dishes with chicken broth in them. Chicken broth makes it easier to see germs.

11 Example # 2 My project was to determine if surface finish has an effect on the drag of a model rocket. I believe that a model with a smooth surface will have lower drag and will reach higher altitudes. Five model rockets with identical size and shape, but different surface preparations, were constructed. One rocket was left with an unfinished surface, three had surfaces finished to various degrees of smoothness, and the fifth rocket had its surface sealed, primed, sanded to 600 grit, painted, and covered with clear gloss. The rockets were ballasted to weigh the same and flown 10 times each with B5-4 motors. The rocket with the clear gloss finish consistently reached the highest altitudes of all 5 rockets, while the unfinished rocket consistently reached the lowest altitude. My conclusion is that surface finish has an important role in model rocket drag and rockets with carefully prepared surfaces will reach higher altitudes.

12 Periodic Table Jeopardy

13 Periodic Table Jeopardy Rules
Everyone must participate You will write down your answer on a whiteboard If you get an answer correct you gain points, incorrect you lose points There will be final jeopardy

14 Periodic Trends Practice
Complete the practice to review for the exam. The answers have been posted to Mr. Klotz’s website so you can check your answers

15 Exit Ticket What is one question that you have about the exam tomorrow?

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