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Test Predictors of Serious Misconduct, Substance Abuse and/or Pervasive Performance Problems with the COPS-R, PAI and short-form IQ Matthew Guller, J.D.,

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Presentation on theme: "Test Predictors of Serious Misconduct, Substance Abuse and/or Pervasive Performance Problems with the COPS-R, PAI and short-form IQ Matthew Guller, J.D.,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Test Predictors of Serious Misconduct, Substance Abuse and/or Pervasive Performance Problems with the COPS-R, PAI and short-form IQ Matthew Guller, J.D., Ph.D., ABPP Institute for Forensic Psychology (201) Presented at The Consortium of Police and Public Safety Psychologists (COPPS), St. Augustine, FL, April 27, 2018

2 Thank you to: -Julia Campregher, MA, John Jay College of Criminal Justice -Olivia Grose, BA (MA candidate at John Jay College of Criminal Justice) -Victoria Rodriguez, BA (MA candidate at John Jay College of Criminal Justice) -Amie Francaviglia, BA

Fitness for Duty Evaluations (of officers previously seen as candidates ) Misconduct / Firing Reported by the Department Second Recruit Evaluation for different position

4 MISCONDUCT / PROBLEM Alcohol Related Offense / DUI Entered Rehab 15
Total Number (n) Percentage Alcohol Related Offense / DUI Entered Rehab 15 34.8% Non-Domestic Violence (DV) Assault Alcohol Related 3 6.9% Domestic Violence / Stalking / Harassment / Restraining Order 9 20.9% Non-Domestic Violence (DV) Assault – Not Alcohol Related 1 2.3% Removed / Fired for Serious Misconduct 8 18.6% Pervasive Performance Problem 7 16.3%

5 POSITIONS Total N = 43 Police Officer / Trooper / Deputy
Total Number (n) Percentage Police Officer / Trooper / Deputy Armed Peace Officer 32 74.4% Un-armed Peace Officer 4 9.3% Corrections Officer Dispatcher 2 4.6% Firefighter 1 2.3% Total N = 43

6 RACE GENDER Caucasian 30 69.8% Black 7 16.3% Hispanic 5 11.6% Asian 1
Total Number (n) Percentage Caucasian 30 69.8% Black 7 16.3% Hispanic 5 11.6% Asian 1 2.3% GENDER Race Total Number (n) Percentage Male 41 95.4% Female 2 4.6%

7 MATCHING THE CASES…. By Gender By Race Within Department If not available: Civil Service v. Non-Civil Service By Education Level* By Age Cases did not differ significantly on any of these variables

8 MORE NUMBERS……. Three Control Cases for Every Study Case
Study Cases N = 43 Control Cases = 129 PAI Study Cases = 31 IQ Measure Wonderlic = 31 Shipley = 9 None Used = 3 Percentiles Used for Study

9 SO, how do we compare our Misconduct and Control groups?
What is the appropriate statistic to use to analyze? A paired t-sample is good, but sample size is limited (and varied) and effect size analysis is warranted Cohen’s d is used d =.20 is small, .50 is medium, .80 is large

10 Examined differences on the following Variables:
Roberts’ PAI Risk Variables PAI Clinical Scales COPS-R Risk Scales COPS-R Content Scales Short Form IQ Percentiles

11 PAI Clinical Scale Variables 4/18 were significant (p < .05):
d = .20 is small, .50 is medium-sized, .80 is large Scale d Borderline 0.39 Suicidality 0.27 Non-support 0.30 Treatment Rejection 0.20

12 Roberts’ PAI Risk Scales 6/7 were significant (p < .05):
Variable d Probability Being Rated Poorly Suited 0.79 Integrity 0.67 Anger Management 0.48 Alcohol Use Concerns 0.81 Illegal Drug Use 0.62 Substance Abuse Proclivity 0.75 d = .20 is small, .50 is medium-sized, .80 is large

13 COPS-R Risk Scales 2/9 were significant (p < .05):
Variable d Rules Compliance 0.47 Acceptance of Supervision 0.50 d = .20 is small, .50 is medium-sized, .80 is large

14 COPS-R Content Scales 6/20 were significant (p < .05):
d = .20 is small, .50 is medium-sized, .80 is large Scale d Antisocial 0.90 Gender Bias 0.28 Impulsivity 0.85 Integrity / Dishonesty 0.47 Opinionated 0.50 Paranoid Orientation

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