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Data Pipeline Town Hall May 21, 2015
The goal of the webinar is to provide updates on the Data Pipeline and current and upcoming collections. These webinars also provide a forum for districts, BOCES, and Administrative Units to have questions answered about Data Pipeline. We will begin the webinar shortly Dial in number is Data Pipeline support is
Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones); many phones have a mute button on them. If you receive a call and need to pick up, please disconnect from the webinar. Otherwise, all town hall participants hear your hold music! We will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation: Type it in the Chat Box for a response OR Raise Your Hand: A presenter will call your name After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you 2
Introductions 3
Today’s Agenda Open Collections in Data Pipeline
IdM Upgrade Training for LAMs Vendor Updates Civil Rights Data Collection - August 7th 2015 Due Date READ School Discipline and Attendance (SDA) Discipline Interchange Special Education Discipline Course Codes Upgrade Student End of Year Continuous Fields SBD Improvement Process Directory 4
Open Collections in Data Pipeline
Open Data Pipeline Collections
Year Round Directory School Code Changes RITS EDIS Periodic Safety Discipline and Attendance (Open May 14 – Close June 26) Interchanges All Interchanges are open 6
Open Data Pipeline Collections
Snapshots READ (Closes July 1st) Student Interchange SPED IEP Directory RITS 7
Open Data Pipeline Collections
Snapshots Special Education Discipline (Closes August 28th) Student Interchange (District) Discipline Interchange (District) IEP Interchange (Administrative Unit) Directory RITS 8
Open Data Pipeline Collections
Snapshots Special Education End of Year (Closes September 13th) Student Interchange (District) Title I Interchange (District) IEP Interchange (Administrative Unit) Directory RITS 9
Open Data Pipeline Collections
Snapshots Student End of Year (Closes September 10th) Student Interchange Title I SPED IEP Directory RITS 10
Open Data Pipeline Collections
Snapshots Teacher Student Data Link (Closes August 28th ) Teacher Student Data Link Interchange Student Interchange (student demographics) Staff Interchange (staff profile) State Standard Course Codes 11
Open Data Pipeline Collections
Other…. Math Science Partnership will be in ADE - Now Open 12
12/7/2018 IDM I’m Linda Lamirande and I am your contact person for the 11th Grade Alternate.
Delegation Administration Town Hall Update
12/7/2018 Delegation Administration Town Hall Update Informational Webinar planned for Tuesday June 2:00pm Walk through the updated Delegated Administration application Discuss rollout timeline Questions & Answers Look for meeting invite early next week Who should attend? Local Access Managers (LAM’s) - Primary User Manager’s (Superintendent’s, Executive Directors) Others LEA personnel wanting an updated on the application / timeline FAQ’s All current users and roles will be migrated to the new version Once you start using the new application you must stay on it CDE will establish date for the retirement of current version 14
12/7/2018 Vendor Update I’m Linda Lamirande and I am your contact person for the 11th Grade Alternate.
PowerSchool Colorado State Reporting Update
Released May 8 TSDL – Course Enrollment updates Grade Mapping Feature Store Code Mapping Feature NOT RELEASED – READ Report column fix Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
PowerSchool Colorado State Reporting Update
Ready for release May 22 READ Report column modification School Discipline and Attendance – Attendance File Student-level Audit Report for Attendance File Discipline by Demographic formatting modification Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
PowerSource Information New Address for PowerSource! Recording and presentation slides from conference call on May 4th are available on PowerSource Community > Forums > Colorado User Group Forum
Civil Rights Data Collection
Civil Rights Data Collection
Collection Closes on August 7th. 20
READ Plan: New Field for the 2014-15 READ Collection
READ Plan – for any student identified with a significant reading deficiency at any time (not just End of Year testing), is a READ Plan still in place? For any student who has never been identified as SRD enter “NA” – it is not applicable. This will capture when students exit a READ plan Allow districts to report on a student who was identified at the beginning of the year as SRD and put on a READ plan but by end of the year testing is beyond the cut score for SRD but still on a READ plan This will also be your reporting field for your 4th and 5th grade cohort students to indicate if a READ plan is still in place or not 22
READ Plan: New Field for the 2014-15 READ Collection
How to use this field: Scenarios Coding 1. K-3 – any student identified with a SRD at any time throughout the year 1 – Yes (student has a READ Plan) 2. K-3 – any student never identified as SRD 2 – NA (not applicable) 3. 4th and 5th grade cohort to indicate if a READ Plan is still in place or not. 1 – Yes (student is still on a READ Plan and remains in cohort) 0 – No (student has reached reading proficiency and has exited their READ Plan) 4. Any student identified in the fall (with interim measures not reported) but by spring collection is above the cut score but still on a READ Plan 1 – Yes (student is on a READ Plan) 5. Any student identified last spring in the READ collection (2014) but is above the cut score this spring collection (2015) 1 – Yes (student is still on a READ Plan) 23
How to identify 4th and 5th grade cohort kids
Pre-populated excel file of your 4-12 cohort students 24
3rd Grade Cohort For the school year you will be reporting only 4th and 5th grade students as part of the cohort How to identify your cohort students: 1. Run the New COGNOS Report – “Student extract of 4-12 graders with a Significant Reading Deficiency in the Prior Year” 2. Run this report for the current school year ( ). Districts will be able to download an excel file preloaded with all READ fields for 4-12 graders except for READ Plan. 3. Districts must add the value for READ Plan (0 or 1) to indicate if the cohort student remains in the cohort or has exited from the cohort based on READ Plan ( 0 – no or 1- yes) 4. Districts will then copy and paste this information into their READ file before submitting data (this is just one of the ways to submit cohort data) IMPORTANT: Districts must ensure that the student interchange is updated prior to running this report 25
READ Resources READ Collection Timeline - Districts must complete submission of READ files by close of business on June 16, 2015. Data Elements Business Rules File Layout Template Special Education Exemption Request FAQ Document Cut Scores Documents for Interim Assessments All available at: For assistance please contact Whitney Westgaard at: or 26
School Discipline and Attendance (SDA)
12/7/2018 School Discipline and Attendance (SDA) I’m Linda Lamirande and I am your contact person for the 11th Grade Alternate.
School Discipline and Attendance (SDA)
Discipline Interchange/ Discipline Snapshot School Discipline and Attendance (SDA) Interchange Student Level Data ONLY Students with disabilities are included Districts submit data in pipeline under Discipline interchange Two files Periodic Collection School Level Data count of incidents count of students ALL Students disciplined counted and reported Districts submit data and finalize data within Pipeline Four files 28
Identity Management Roles
Roles have been created and are available for your Local Access Manager to assign: IdM Role Enables User to: SDA~LEAAPPROVER Finalize, Submit, Modify and View Data SDA~LEAUSER Submit, Modify and View Data SDA~LEAVIEWER View Data 29
SDA Webinar Trainings Thursday, May 21st, 3 – 4 pm
Wednesday, June 3rd, 3 – 4 pm All trainings will cover the same material Phone number: 30
Additional Information
12/7/2018 Additional Information File Layouts, business rules, templates, trainings, other resources now available at: Due Friday, June 26th Exceptions may be allowed, if school(s) are in session on or later than due date. Please contact me if this is needed. For assistance please contact Annette Severson at 31
Discipline Interchange
School Discipline and Attendance (SDA)
Discipline Interchange/ Discipline Snapshot School Discipline and Attendance (SDA) Interchange Student Level Data ONLY Students with disabilities are included Districts submit data in pipeline under Discipline interchange Two files Periodic Collection School Level Data count of incidents count of students ALL Students disciplined counted and reported Districts submit data and finalize data within Pipeline Four files 33
Discipline Interchange District’s responsibility
All districts load discipline interchange or report no students to load How can CDE help with getting data loaded? Administrative Units require this data to create a snapshot 34
Discipline Interchange District’s responsibility
Only load data for students with disabilities Discipline Action File Discipline Incident File Documentation 35
Special Education Discipline
What’s Behind Us? What’s Ahead?
BEHIND - May 14 Districts were to have submitted interchange files Discipline Incident Discipline Action Student Demographics Student School Association Administrative Units were to have submitted interchange file IEP Participation File AHEAD - June 5 Date by which the Administrative Unit will have created a Special Education Discipline Snapshot 37
Priorities Upload Interchange Files Fix Interchange Errors
AU/Districts/CDE collaborate to ensure uploading files has occurred Fix Interchange Errors Create a Snapshot Fix Snapshot Errors If all the data has not been uploaded you may see blanks in some of the fields in the snapshot report. First work to get all data uploaded. Then ensure consistency in reporting Review Reports Training in June and again in August 38
Hints/Tips Does your error report have errors but no records associated with it? Be sure to delete rows after the last row of data and re-upload. Are there issues with files from vendors – let me know. Adding Program Code was the only change this year Either you will be reporting a “Discipline” or a “Type of Removal” – please reference the Discipline Action file layout for definitions. Look at how the data was reported last year – are you reporting the events consistently? Incident Identifier in the Incident file is unique You can see if the file successfully uploaded by going to Batch Maintenance 39
Hints/Tips The only time you report a “Reason” for a removal is when the student was Unilaterally Removed by School Personnel. If you report an expulsion Discipline 03 be sure to let us know if the student received services. If you have blank data in the Snapshot report check the following Primary Disability Does the Action date fall between the start and end of special education? Demographics Have you consistently reported the school and dates in the discipline file to coincide with enrollment reported? Grades Pulled from School Association Either a Student was in a School or was in an Administrative Unit run Program both fields cannot be zero-filled but can’t have codes. 40
Disciplines 00 Other Discipline
ONLY used if you are reporting a Removal Type 01 In-School Suspension - Instances in which a child is temporarily removed from his/her regular classroom(s) for disciplinary purposes but remains under the direct supervision of school personnel. Direct supervision means school personnel are physically in the same location as students under their supervision. 02 Out-of-School Suspension - Instances in which a child is temporarily removed from his/her regular school for disciplinary purposes to another setting (e.g., home, behavior center). This includes both removals in which no IEP services are provided because the removal is 10 days or less as well as removals in which the child continues to receive services according to his/her IEP. 03 Expulsion - An action taken by the LEA removing a child from his/her regular school for disciplinary purposes for the remainder of the school year or longer in accordance with local educational agency policy. Include removals resulting from violations of the Gun-Free Schools Act that are modified to less than 365 days. If you are reporting an Expulsion you need to let us know if the student is RECEIVING services. We look at Expulsions without services very closely. This doesn’t mean they were offered services but ACTUALLY received them. 41
Removal Types 00 N/A ONLY used if you are reporting a DISCIPLINE 01
Unilateral Removal by School Personnel – Instances in which school personnel (not the IEP team) order the removal of children with disabilities from their current educational placement to an appropriate *Interim Alternative Educational Setting (IAES) for not more than 45 school days. The IEP team is responsible for determining the interim alternative educational setting. Unilateral removals do NOT include decisions by the IEP team to change a student’s placement. 02 Removal Based on a Hearing Officer’s Determination – Instances in which an impartial hearing officer orders the removal of children with disabilities from their current educational placement to an appropriate *Interim Alternative Educational Setting (IAES) for not more than 45 school days based on the hearing officer’s determination that maintaining the child’s current placement is substantially likely to result in injury to the child or others. *Interim Alternative Educational Setting (IAES) – An appropriate setting determined by the child’s IEP team or hearing office in which the child is placed for no more than 45 school days. This setting enables the child to continue to receive educational services and participate in the general education curriculum (although in another setting) and to progress toward meeting the goals set out in the IEP. As appropriate, the setting includes a functional behavioral assessment and behavioral intervention services and a modification to address the behavior violation so that it does not recur. 42
Removal Reason Special Education Removal Reason - Provide a removal reason code ONLY in instances in which the student was Unilaterally Removed by School Personnel. (For instances where the removal was based on a Hearing Officer, this field MUST be zero-filled). 00 N/A ONLY used if you are reporting aNYTHING OTHER THAN A UNILATERAL REMOVAL BY SCHOOL PERSONNEL 01 Unilateral Removal by School Personnel for Drugs – the use, possession, sale, or solicitation of drugs as identified in 21 U.S.C. Section 812(c). These offenses do not include the use, possession, sale, or solicitation of alcohol or tobacco. 02 Unilateral Removal by School Personnel for Serious Bodily Injury – A bodily injury that involves a substantial risk of death; extreme physical pain; protracted and obvious disfigurement; or protracted loss of impairment of the function of a bodily member, organ or faculty. (18 USC Section 1365(h)(3)) 03 Unilateral Removal by School Personnel for Weapons – A weapon, device, instrument, material, or substance, animate or inanimate, that is used for, or is readily capable of causing death or serious bodily injury; such a term does NOT include a pocket knife with a blade of less than 2 ½ inches in length. (18 USC Section 930(g)(2)) 43
QUIZ John and Sam get in a fight in the playground they attend two different schools. The Incident results in a Unilateral Removal by School Personnel for Serious Bodily Injury for John and Sam gets an Expulsion In the Incident File the Incident Identifier is Duplicated. FALSE In the Action File the Incident Identifier is Duplicated. TRUE In the Action File the Action Identifier is the same for both students 44
Sam has both a Discipline and a Removal = Error
INCIDENT FILE Incident Identifier Error Solution SAM DI008 Remove the duplicate Incident Identifier JOHN ACTION Incident Identifier Discipline Removal Type Removal Reason Received Services SAM 03 01 Sam has both a Discipline and a Removal = Error Sam was expelled yet a Removal Reason was reported = Error Sam was expelled but didn’t receive services is that right? JOHN 00 1 John was Unilaterally Removed by School Personnel for Serious Bodily Injury yet he’s also been reported as being suspended in school – Error The Reason field is zero-filled for John but it should be an 02. You’ve marked he’s receiving services but that’s only applicable if he was expelled 45
Questions If you have ANY questions about the Special Education Discipline Data Collection please feel free to contact us. We are just a phone call away! Kristi Gleason Data Custodian Lindsey Heitman Please include the following team members in your communications In the subject line of the if you would please include the following information: District number Administrative Unit number Subject of the along with any business rules or name of a report if applicable. 46
Course Codes Upgrade 47
Converting Statewide Course Codes to SCED version 3.0
Statewide Course Codes changing from SCED version 1.0 to version 3.0 Prior to secondary courses integrated with secondary courses Currently trying to minimize impact 48
Converting Statewide Course Codes to SCED version 3.0
All SCED codes which start above will need to be updated No changes until school year Stay tuned – more to come 49
Converting Statewide Course Codes to SCED version 3.0
More information Google SCED version 3.0 Link: Questions? Kevin Smith 50
Student End of Year 51
Student End of Year All districts need to create a snapshot by Thursday, June 5th GED list was updated last week Student End of Year error report is now available in the pipeline reports. Just above Cognos Reports on left menus in Data Pipeline Fill in drop downs to see errors Saves time when reviewing errors 52
Trainings Training materials Questions?
PowerPoint and Recorded webinar Checklist for student end of year collection Step by step process documentation Questions? Kevin Smith 53
Proposed Revisions: Continuous in District and
Continuous in School 54
Proposed Revisions: Continuous Fields
The Continuous in District and Continuous in School fields are intended to indicate whether students have been continuously enrolled over the course of the academic year leading up to the administration of state assessments. The values reported in these fields determine which student assessment records are included in accountability calculations. The purpose of these revisions would be to provide greater clarity concerning how to code students for the Continuous fields: Clearly specify the time period in question when determining whether or not a student has been continuously enrolled. Establish common guidelines for determining what constitutes an enrollment break. Eliminate redundancies in information collected for accountability purposes. 55
Proposed Revisions: Continuous Fields
Start and End Dates for Continuous Fields Beginning with the academic year, the starting point for determining values in the Continuous in District and Continuous in School fields would be consistent with the date of the October Count submission. For fall testing, districts would use the date of the prior year October Count submission as the start date. For spring testing, districts would use the date of the current year October Count submission as the start date. The end point for determining values in the Continuous fields would be the opening date of the test administration window. 56
Proposed Revisions: Continuous Fields
Enrollment Breaks Beginning with the academic year, CDE intends to establish a common definition of an enrollment break to be used by districts across the state. Initially, the Unit of Accountability has proposed to define a break as an enrollment gap of six or more calendar weeks that occurs between the designated start and end dates. This may be a single gap lasting six weeks or longer, or multiple gaps cumulatively lasting six or more weeks. The Unit of Accountability is currently soliciting feedback from districts and from other CDE units to determine whether six weeks is a reasonable timeframe for defining enrollment breaks. The Unit of Accountability has also analyzed TCAP records and End-of-Year enrollment records to get a better picture of what current practices are across the state for identifying enrollment breaks. 57
Analysis of Current Practice
12/7/2018 2,784 students who were not enrolled in the district at the designated start and end points were nevertheless coded as continuous. 10,881 students who had a cumulative gap in enrollment of less than one calendar week were coded as non-continuous. Across the state, districts do not consistently code students as non-continuous until enrollment gaps reach six weeks. This table compares the values reported in the 2014 TCAP Reading file for the Continuous in District field to enrollment gaps identified in the EOY records. 58
Analysis of Current Practice
Under the proposed revisions, CDE we would hope to see consistency in the threshold at which gaps in enrollment are considered true enrollment breaks. CDE would also hope to see an elimination of cases where students are coded as continuous despite not having been enrolled in the district at the designated start and end points. Achieving this would result in a net increase of approximately 7,500 students included in district accountability calculations. This table shows how students would have been coded for the Continuous in District field based on the proposal to define an enrollment break as a gap of six or more weeks. 59
Analysis of Current Practice
4,297 students who were not enrolled in the district at the designated start and end points were nevertheless coded as continuous. 11,802 students who had a cumulative gap in enrollment of less than one calendar week were coded as non-continuous. Across the state, districts fairly consistently code students as non-continuous once enrollment gaps reach two or three weeks. This table compares the values reported in the 2014 TCAP Reading file for the Continuous in School field to enrollment gaps identified in the EOY records. 60
Analysis of Current Practice
Under the proposed revisions, CDE we would hope to see consistency in the threshold at which gaps in enrollment are considered true enrollment breaks. CDE would also hope to see an elimination of cases where students are coded as continuous despite not having been enrolled in the district at the designated start and end points. Achieving this would result in a net increase of approximately 7,700 students included in school accountability calculations. This table shows how students would have been coded for the Continuous in School field based on the proposal to define an enrollment break as a gap of six or more weeks. 61
Accountability Contacts
12/7/2018 Accountability Contacts The Unit of Accountability and Data Analysis welcomes feedback on the proposed revisions to the Continuous in District and Continuous in School fields. Please contact Josh Perdue to request a copy of the complete draft revisions, to offer any feedback, or to ask any questions. Josh Perdue 62
SBD Improvement Process
SBD Improvement Process Accountability
After SBD, CDE is unable to make changes to the demographic data associated with student assessment records. Data will be warehoused and reported as submitted by the district. The 2015 assessment data will be reported publicly and may be used for research and evaluation purposes by CDE and other agencies. Under the current state accountability system, CDE does not generally allow requests for reconsideration of school plan types or district accreditation ratings based on miscoded data. Per HB , CDE will not generate School and District Performance Frameworks for the school year. However, the 2015 assessment data may be incorporated in the and Performance Frameworks. 64
Directory 65
Directory Reminder to submit your school code changes for Changes include new code requests, school closures, grade changes and name changes. Forms must be received by June 30, 2015. Forms can be found at: completed forms to: 66
Next Town Hall: Thursday, May 28st, 2015 9 a.m.-10 a.m.
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