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1 Learning

2 Review of Introduction
Learning is the process of acquiring new and relatively enduring information or behaviors It is any relatively permanent change in behavior brought about by experience or practice. Learning by association Our minds connect events that occur in a sequence Learning by association is called conditioning

3 Review of Introduction
Two types of associative learning: Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Other types of learning (later): Cognitive learning Observational learning

4 Classical Conditioning
Major People in classical conditioning: Ivan Pavlov John Watson Pioneers of behaviorism Psychology should be an objective science Behavior should be studied without reference to mental processes

5 Classical Conditioning
Classical conditioning is a type of learning that occurs when two or more stimuli are linked together to bring about a response. stimulus & response associations It is learning to make a reflex response to a stimulus that is different from the original, natural stimulus that normally produces the reflex.

6 Pavlov’s Experiments

7 Pavlov’s Experiments

8 Pavlov’s Experiments Acquisition

9 Pavlov’s Experiments

10 Classical Conditioning
Unexpected conditioning can occur

11 Classical Conditioning
Unexpected conditioning can occur

12 Classical Conditioning
Unexpected conditioning can occur

13 Classical Conditioning
Classical Conditioning in The Office John B. Watson and the Little Albert experiment

14 Classical Conditioning
Although classical conditioning happens quite easily, there are a few basic principles that researchers have discovered: The UR (unconditioned response) and the CR (conditioned response) are essentially the same: salivation. The CS (conditioned stimulus) must happen before the US (unconditioned stimulus) in order for conditioning to occur – bell can’t follow food.

15 Classical Conditioning
Check for understanding: An experimenter sounds a tone just before delivering an air puff to your blinking eye. After several repetitions, you blink to the tone alone. NS = US = UR = CS = CR = tone before procedure air puff blink to air puff tone after procedure blink to tone

16 Classical Conditioning

17 Classical Conditioning
What happens to a conditioned response if the stimulus is taken away? Extinction happens

18 Classical Conditioning
Generalization Generalization is the tendency for stimuli that is similar to the CS to bring about similar responses.

19 Classical Conditioning
Discrimination Discrimination is the ability to distinguish between a CS and stimuli that do not signal an US. Animals conditioned to a high-pitched bell that don’t respond to a low pitched bell.

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