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All of us enjoy spending time with our pets. Its fun to take them for a walk.

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Presentation on theme: "All of us enjoy spending time with our pets. Its fun to take them for a walk."— Presentation transcript:


2 All of us enjoy spending time with our pets.

3 Its fun to take them for a walk.

4 Its fun to play fetch with them.

5 But sometimes we want to spend so much time with them that we actually take a chance of losing them or getting hurt.

6 For example, we may want to keep our dogs with us all the time, even at school.

7 Or maybe we just want them to go part way like to the bus stop.

8 But when dogs are brought to school or to the bus stop, there is a chance that they can get hurt.

9 Your dog may even hurt someone else. Even though your dog may be friendly to you, you never know when he might bite someone else.

10 Even the friendliest dogs have been known to bite.

11 When your dog follows you to school or to the bus stop, there is no way they can get home by themselves.

12 Your dog can be hit by a car.

13 Your dog can even be stolen.

14 When you are not watching your dog, they may bite other people.

15 When you bring your dog to school, you are not taking good care of them.

16 There are many ways we can keep our pets safe and also protect other people from our dogs.

17 The best way to keep your dog safe is to leave him/her at home. Make sure your dog either stays in the house or in the backyard. If he/she stays in the backyard, make sure that you have a fence that he/she cannot escape from. By leaving your dog at home you are making sure he/she does not get lost, stolen, hurt, or hurt someone else.

18 Another way to keep your dog safe is to keep him on a leash whenever you go for a walk.

19 It is also a good idea to leave him at home while you are at school.

20 By leaving your dog at home while you are at school you can be sure that he/she will be waiting for you when you get home.

21 Keep your dog safe in the house or in the backyard where he/she cant get out.

22 Show your dog that you care! Permission is granted for using this presentation for educational purposes so long as credit is given to the San Bernardino County Animal Care & Control Program.

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