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What are the benefits from personal inquiry?

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Presentation on theme: "What are the benefits from personal inquiry?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are the benefits from personal inquiry?
By: Emily Malburg

2 What is a personal inquiry project?
A personal inquiry project is used to have students research a topic or question that interests them. It is a project that is designed to have students write and research what ever they like independently and to help them learn about a topic of their interest. No rubric and more freedom.

3 Motivation, Creativity, and Independence
They get a chance to be creative with their writing as well as their findings. If the students have a passion for something they will be more likely to be interested in it instead of just copying whatever Wikipedia says. Students get a chance to organize their research and paper on their own. No rubrics or guidelines Motivation, Creativity, and Independence

4 Benefits for Teachers of English
Helps with more than writing skills but with comprehension as well. Gives the students a reason to research and write They will want to write because it is something that interest them

5 Sources Freedman and Johnson (2004). Inquiry, literacy, and language in the middle grades. Massachusetts: Christopher Gordon publishers. Harvey, Stephanie. "Nonfiction Inquiry: Using Real Reading and Writing to Explore the World." Language Arts 80.1 (2002):  ProQuest. Web. 28 Oct

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