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“A Sound of Thunder” Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "“A Sound of Thunder” Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 “A Sound of Thunder” Vocabulary

2 Essential Question What literary devices and vocabulary do I need to become familiar with to better understand “A Sound of Thunder”?

3 style The author’s word choice, or diction.

4 mood The atmosphere of the story.

5 cause the reason something happens

6 effect the result of the cause

7 annihilate To destroy or wipe out.

8 expendable Worth sacrificing to gain an objective.

9 depression A major economic downturn; sadness.

10 paradox Something that has or seems to have contradictory qualities.

11 delirium Extreme mental disturbance, often accompanied by hallucinations (seeing things that are not there).

12 resilient Able to return quickly to its original state after being stretched or compressed; elastic.

13 remit Return payment.

14 revoke Cancel; withdraw.

15 primeval Primitive; of the earliest times.

16 subliminal Below the level of awareness.

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