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Importance of Flood-irrigation to Continental Bird Populations

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Presentation on theme: "Importance of Flood-irrigation to Continental Bird Populations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Importance of Flood-irrigation to Continental Bird Populations
Potential for Resource Collaboration In Southern Idaho

2 Important Elements of ESPA Water Agreement
Water users are expected to achieve a ~14% reduction over 10 years – ONUS ON THE USERS ‘Managed Recharge’ vs. ‘Incidental Recharge’ Conversion from flood (Incidental Recharge) does not detract from Total Recharge Managed Recharge projects cannot be established on previously irrigated ground Managed Recharge projects are not designed with wildlife habitat considerations

3 Guiding Elements Hydrologic math and ticking clock
Bird use is not necessarily compelling Within existing adjudicated water rights Sites are strongly dictated by high infiltration rates and have already been largely identified We select shallow groundwater sites with near surface water; they select deep groundwater sites with high storage capacity Landowners / Districts / User groups / IDWR

4 Maintenance of Overcharged Aquifer

5 Recharge Prioritization Sites

6 Core Partnership Resources
Programmatic Planning Real Estate Applied Science Fee title acquisition GIS Analysis and Mapping Land exchange Landowner Outreach Leasing SWAT Partnership Biologists Conservation Easements / Deed Restrictions Funding Procurement Engineering State and Federal Wildlife Funds Survey and Design (irrigation infrastructure) Federal Wetland Habitat Restoration Funds Permitting NRCS RCPP and Special Initiatives Bidding and Contracting Construction Oversight ‘In-kind’ service

7 ESPA Stabilization RCPP

8 Prospective Partnership Actions
Collaborate with respective irrigation districts Increase delivery on flood-irrigation private lands projects Design of Managed Recharge projects Rigby Trapezoid Work to have agreement quantify ‘Incidental Recharge’ Deter funding to support conversions Headwater projects (beaver analogs) outside of aquifer

9 Rigby Trapezoid and Giant Feeder Cells

10 Additional Actions??? Specific projects? Additional partners?
Individual irrigation districts Additional partners? Bureau of Reclamation Fisheries stakeholders Expand across southern Idaho? Lower Boise study Six Rivers Confluence Area

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