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Finite Element Analysis

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Presentation on theme: "Finite Element Analysis"— Presentation transcript:

1 Finite Element Analysis
Basics – Part 1/2 Johannes Steinschaden 2004 March, 2

2 Introduction Idealization of the problem into a mathematical model
Analyze only the mathematical model Select an appropriate mathematical model Cannot predict the response of the model exactly Impossible to formulate a model that will represent all the information contained in an actual system Mechatronik = Kunstwort aus Mechanik und Elektronik und Informatik 2004 March, 2

3 General role Start with a simple model Solve the mathematical model
Interpret the results Refine the model 2004 March, 2

4 Idealization Linear static analysis Small deflections
Deflections vary only slowly Time as a variable is omitted Linear elastic deformations Isotropic material Loads are attached to the undeformed model Cross sections are perpendicular to the midline 2004 March, 2

5 Element Types One-dimensional Truss Beam Two-dimensional Plane stress
Plane strain Axisymmetric solids Thin shell Three-dimensional Solids Other Constrained elements Lumped mass Gaps Rigids Springs 2004 March, 2

6 Finite Element Analysis Procedure
Preliminary analysis of the system: Perform an approximate calculation to gain some insights about the system Preparation of the finite element model: a Geometric and material information of the system b Prescribe how is the system supported c Determine how the loads are applied to the system Perform the calculation: Solve the system equations and compute displacements, strains and stresses Post-processing of the results: Viewing the stresses and displacements Interpret the results 2004 March, 2

7 Thank you! 2004 March, 2

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