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Hironori Matsumoto (Kyoto University) and The Suzaku team

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1 Hironori Matsumoto (Kyoto University) and The Suzaku team
X-ray Observations of the HESS Unidentified Sources from the Galactic Plane Hironori Matsumoto (Kyoto University) and The Suzaku team

2 Thank you very much for coming to the Suzaku (my) conference!
“God(?) bird” Suzaku by A. Bamba

3 Talk outline Motivation Suzaku XIS observations HESSJ1614-518
Discussion Summary

4 Where are proton accelerators? How can we find out?
Look for objects bright in TeVγ-rays but dim in X-rays! TeV γ-ray … protons or electrons synch. IC π0 X-ray γ-ray E2f(E) Energy High energy electrons should emit synchrotron X-rays! Flux(X)~0.9x(B/3μG)2xFlux(TeV) To look for a dim and diffuse object, the Suzaku XIS is the best tool.

5 HESS Galactic Plane Survey
First systematic Galactic plane survey with TeV γ-ray (>200GeV) HESSJ HESSJ HESSJ Select three extended objects 14 new objects. Gal. Cent. Most have no obvious counterparts. (Aharonian et al. 2005, 2006)

6 HESSJ1614-518 Brightest among the new objects. XIS FOV 50ks HESSJ1614
HESS TeV γ-ray image (excess map) Provided by S. Funk (MPI) Brightest among the new objects. XIS FOV 50ks HESSJ1614 (l, b)=(331.52, -0.58)

7 XIS FI (S0+S2+S3): 3-10keV band
XIS image XIS FI (S0+S2+S3): 3-10keV band 50ks TeVγ-ray Swift XRT also detected (Landi et al. 2006) Extended object

8 XIS spectra Featureless non thermal Featureless, but extremely soft
NH=3.8(±0.9)e21cm-2 Γ=2.0(±0.1) F(2-10keV)=5.3e-13erg/s/cm2 Featureless non thermal NH=9.9(±1.0)e21cm-2 Γ=3.4(±0.2) F(2-10keV)=2.4e-13erg/s/cm2 Featureless, but extremely soft

9 HESSJ1616-508 XIS FOV HESSJ1616 45ks (l, b)=(332.391, -0.138)
HESS TeV image (excess map) (l, b)=( , ) XIS FOV 45ks Provided by S. Funk (MPI) HESSJ1616

10 XIS image 45ks No X-ray counterpart F(2-10keV)<3.1e-13 erg/s/cm2
XIS FI (S0+S2+S3): 3—12keV TeV image See Matsumoto et al. 2006, PASJ, Suzaku Special Issue (astro-ph/ ) 45ks No X-ray counterpart F(2-10keV)<3.1e-13 erg/s/cm2

11 HESSJ1804-216 Softest among the new objects. XIS FOV 40ks HESSJ1804
HESS TeV γ-ray image (excess map) Provided by S. Funk (MPI) (l, b)=(8.401, ) XIS FOV 40ks Softest among the new objects. HESSJ1804

12 XIS image XIS FI (S0+S2+S3): 3-10keV src2 src1 src1: point-like
Swift XRT (Landi et al. 2006) Chandra (Cui & Konopelko 2006) TeV image src1 src2 src1: point-like src2: extended or multiple 40ks

13 XIS spectra src2 src2: extended src1 src1: point-like src1 src2 Γ
-0.3±0.5 1.7±1.2 NH (1022cm-2) 0.2(<2.2) 11±8 F(2-10keV) 10-13erg/s/cm2 2.5 4.3 src1: point-like See Bamba et al. 2006, PASJ, Suzaku Special Issue (astro-ph/ )

14 Gallery HESSJ1614 HESSJ1616 HESSJ1804 Hard X-ray TeV

15 TeV vs X-ray Extremely large!! Γ(TeV) > Γ(X)
F(1-10TeV) erg/s/cm2 Γ(X) F(2-10keV) F(TeV)/F(X) HESSJ1614 2.46 1.8e-11 2.0 5.3e-13 34 HESSJ1616 2.35 1.7e-11 --- <3.1e-13 >55 HESSJ1804 2.71 1.0e-11 1.7 4.3e-13 23 Γ(TeV) > Γ(X) Extremely large!! Good candidates for proton accelerators Cf. Crab ~0.0027 RXJ ~0.06

16 If we assume electrons…
Very weak B (B<1μGauss) realistic? Suzaku upper limit or Strong cut-off HESSJ1616 SED Inconsistent with Γ(TeV)>Γ(X)? = Γ(Synch)

17 Summary Suzaku observed three unID extended HESS objects.
HESSJ , HESSJ , HESSJ All have extremely large F(TeV)/F(X) Hard to explain the ratio by high energy electrons. Good candidates for proton accelerators. “What are they?” It’s still an open question. (Talks by G. Puehlhofer, R. Yamazaki)

18 HESSJ 3.0—10.0keV 0.4—3.0keV

19 HESSJ 0.4--3keV 3--12keV

20 HESSJ 0.4-3keV 3-10keV

21 E_sync = 4keV x (B/10uG) x (E_e/100TeV)^2

22 Where are proton accelerators? How can we find out?
synch. IC π0 X-ray γ-ray E2f(E) Energy X-ray TeV γ-ray electron synchrotron inverse Compton proton --- π0 High energy electrons emit X-rays very easily! Look for objects bright in TeVγ-ray and dim in X-ray!

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