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CSCI 3327 Visual Basic Review: Final Exam

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1 CSCI 3327 Visual Basic Review: Final Exam
UTPA – Fall 2011 Part of the slides is from Dr. John Abraham’s previous lecture slides. – Xiang Lian

2 Review Textbook Time Place Self-Review Exercises Quick Quiz Exercises
10:15 a.m.-12 p.m., Dec. 16 (Friday) Place ENGR (classroom)

3 Review Lecture slides Introduction to Classes and Objects
Control structure Methods Arrays LINQ Files and Streams Strings Databases and LINQ

4 Review Multiple Choice True/False Statements Programming
Write the code Bonus Question

5 Chapter 3: Introduction to Classes and Objects
Object-oriented design & programming Classes The Syntax for a Class Variables Methods Subroutines vs. functions Properties Set and Get methods Events Relationships between classes and objects

6 Chapter 4: Control Structure (Part I)
The primitive data types Arithmetic operators & Precedence +, -, *, /, \, Mod The components of basic control structures The syntax of basic sequence, selection, and repetition structures in Visual Basic

7 Chapter 5: Control Structure (Part II)
More control structures Repetition statements For … Next, Do … Loop While, Do … Loop Until Usage of Exit and Continue statements Selection Select … Case Logical operators

8 Chapter 6: Methods Classification and declaration of methods
Subroutines Functions ByVal vs. ByRef parameters in methods

9 Chapter 7: Arrays Declaration and usage of arrays
Index/subscript Length, GetUpperBound() Initialization and reference to elements of the array Usage of the For Each … Next statement to iterate through elements in the array

10 Chapter 7: Arrays (cont'd)
Search Linear search Binary search The declaration and usage of rectangular arrays Index/subscript

11 Chapter 8: Introduction to LINQ and Collections
Write filtering statements using LINQ The usage of LINQ to query an array Sort an array using LINQ Ascending Descending

12 Chapter 9: Object-Oriented Programming: Classes and Objects
Declaration of classes Declaration of properties and their methods Set and Get Exercises

13 Chapter 11: Files and Streams
Data Hierarchy Bits  Characters  Fields  Records  File Create a File Dim fileWriter As StreamWriter=New StreamWriter(fileName) Dim fileReader As StreamReader=New StreamReader(fileName) Write a File fileWriter.WriteLine(“text”) Read a File Dim oneline As String = FileReader.ReadLine() Close a File fileWriter.Close()

14 Chapter 12: Strings, Characters and Regular Expressions
Declaration and initialization of a String object Dim string1 As String = "Hello" String Property string1.Length String Indexer string1(i) i is index from 0 to string1.Length-1

15 Chapter 12: Strings, Characters and Regular Expressions (cont'd)
String Methods string1.Equals(“hello”) String.Equals(string1, string2) string1.CompareTo(string2) If string1 < string2, -1 If string1 > string2, 1 If string1 = string2, 0 string1.StartWith("st") string1.EndWith("st")

16 Chapter 13:Databases and LINQ
Create a connection between data source and controls Display the results of the LINQ query How to update the database via controls

17 Coding the Display Query Results

18 Coding the Display Query Results (cont'd)

19 Good Luck! Q/A

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