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“… a willingness to pursue and argument to its conclusion, challenging it at every stage and seeing it always open to refutation…involves a double commitment;

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Presentation on theme: "“… a willingness to pursue and argument to its conclusion, challenging it at every stage and seeing it always open to refutation…involves a double commitment;"— Presentation transcript:

1 “… a willingness to pursue and argument to its conclusion, challenging it at every stage and seeing it always open to refutation…involves a double commitment; first a commitment to the truth (the point of rejecting arguments which can be shown to be false…); secondly, commitment to certain moral values implicit in such a method; honesty, openness and impartiality – terms which inescapably lead to some notion of moral right, justice or moral good.” Brenda Almond, Exploring Philosophy

2 “From the earliest time of my studies I set up for myself the rule that whenever I discern a sounder opinion in any matter whatsoever, I gladly and humbly abandon the earlier one; for I know that those things that I have learned are but in the least in comparison to what I do not know.” Jan Hus, 14th C.

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