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Nationalism & Democracy in the 1800s

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1 Nationalism & Democracy in the 1800s
3.07 Evaluate the effects of colonialism on Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. 4.04 Examine the causes and effects of the Russian Revolution and its effect on Russia and the world. 4.05 Evaluate the causes and effectiveness of nineteenth and twentieth century nationalistic movements that challenged European domination in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. 5.01 Analyze the causes and course of World War I and assess its consequences.

2 Europe After Napoleon After Napoleon’s defeat, the victors met at the Congress of Vienna and redrew the map of Europe to create a balance of power and to strengthen conservatism. The European powers, except for Britain, adopted the principle of intervention, which allowed the great powers to send armies into nations where there were revolutions.


4 Changes in Europe Liberals and nationalists opposed the existing political system and threatened the conservative regimes. Liberalism Liberals wanted to protect civil liberties, such as freedom of the press and speech, religious tolerance, and government rule by constitution. Many liberals wanted a written document like the American Bill of Rights.

5 Changes in Europe Nationalism
Nationalism arose when people began to identify themselves based on language, region, culture, and customs. Nationalism was a threat to conservatism because giving independence to nationalistic groups would upset the balance of power established at the Congress of Vienna. Beginning in 1830, liberalism and nationalism led to revolution in Europe. France and Belgium overthrew the current regimes, while Poland and Italy were unsuccessful in their rebellions.

6 Toward National Unification
The rise of nationalism led to the unification of Italy and Germany.

7 Nationalism & Reform in Europe
While Italy and Germany were being unified, other states in Europe were also changing. England Was able to avoid the revolutions of Europe by making social and political reforms. Parliament expanded voting privileges to the middle class Industrial Revolution allowed wages to rise significantly, so the working class was now able to share in the prosperity. Queen Victoria, who ruled from 1837 to 1901, reflected the nationalistic pride of British citizens.

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9 Nationalism & Reform in Europe
The Austrian Empire Nationalism was a problem for the Austrian Empire because it contained so many different ethnic groups. The Compromise of 1867 created a dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary.


11 Nationalism & Reform in Europe
Russia After being defeated in the Crimean War, Russia realized it had to modernize. Russia was a large, rural, agricultural society It depended on the authority of the central government to function as a European power. Czar Alexander II decided to enact reforms and issued an emancipation edict freeing the serfs. The new system did not improve the lives of the serfs, however. Alexander’s other reforms led to his assassination in 1881. His son, Alexander III, returned to the old methods of repression.

12 Nationalism in the US Unified by the War of 1812, the United States later entered a bloody civil war that lasted from 1861 to 1865. In the middle of the nineteenth century, slavery became the biggest threat to American political and social systems. Abolitionism in the North challenged the Southern way of life.

13 Nationalism in the US With the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860, South Carolina voted to secede. More Southern states joined them and formed the Confederate States of America. The American Civil War lasted for four years. The Union defeated the Confederacy in 1865, ending slavery and unifying the nation.


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