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Tally Ho! -- Explore the Varied Uses of Tally Tables

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Presentation on theme: "Tally Ho! -- Explore the Varied Uses of Tally Tables"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tally Ho! -- Explore the Varied Uses of Tally Tables
Aaron N. Cutshall, MSCIS, MSHI Tally Ho! -- Explore the Varied Uses of Tally Tables

2 Just who is this guy? 30+ Years Sr. Healthcare Data Architect
Past Local Group Leader Speaker – various events 30+ Years M.S. Computer Information Systems B.S. Computer Science M.S. Health Informatics

3 Something to consider…
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” – Albert Einstein (Theoretical Physicist)

4 Agenda What are Tally Tables? How to Use Closing Thoughts
Purposes and Uses How To Create Them How to Use Find Missing Data Break Strings Generate Data Closing Thoughts

5 5 Basic Concepts of Any Programming Language
Program Structure The overall form of a program Interrelationships between individual components Variable Declaration (Names & Data Types) Looping Structures (For, While, Conditional, etc.) Control Structures (Logic flows & branches) Syntax (Language Rules) ** Nothing About Set-Based Operations **

6 Procedural vs Set-Based

7 Procedural Programming
Data is very abstract Structure or organization of the data is unimportant Separated by different layers of abstraction Concerned with what to do and how to do it (Imperative) Step-by-step Statements, Loops, Object manipulation, etc. Different logic paths depending upon data attributes Record by record processing Provides total control You know exactly what it will do Execution method will be consistent each and every time

8 Set-Based Programming
Describes what should be done (Declarative) Indicates the operation Identifies the conditions Allows the engine to determine an optimal method to obtain results based upon: Data structure, organization and volume Statistics from previous runs Frees developer from mechanical/specific details Allows for changing conditions without altering query SQL Server is optimized to select or manipulate records sets as a whole (often at the expense of procedural operations)

9 What Are Tally Tables?

10 What Are Tally Tables? A numerical sequence table
Perform set-based sequence logic Replace loops Improve performance Jeff Moden RBAR -“Row By Agonizing Row” Avoid Processing Data Each Row at a Time Most common performance killer in T-SQL Promote Set-Based Operations

11 Traditional Loop Method

12 Tally Table Method


14 Hidden Loops: Scalar UDFs
A scalar UDF (User-Defined Function) It looks set-based but executes for each result row Turns a set-based query into a RBAR loop! Use Inline Table Value Function instead More efficient than Multi-line Table Value Function Executes as a single query Makes used of parameters Produces a table result Cross Apply to join ITVF for set-based operation

15 Hidden Loops: Recursion
A recursive CTE (rCTE) calls itself It looks set-based but it’s really a hidden loop Each level of recursion is a separate loop instance Each loop requires the results of the previous loop Resource intensive Overhead to manage recursion Consumes about 3x resources of a simple loop Used in many parent-child relationships (Ex. Manager-Employee)

16 Hidden Loops: Recursion
Most rCTEs can be re-written in a set-based manner to use a simple while-loop Execute base-case query; Load results into temp table Loop for each additional level of recursion Use join of “recursive” query and current result set Load results into results table for use in next level Perform loop explicitly to save resources and time n levels of recursion uses base case plus (n-1) executions of “recursive” query

17 Hidden Loops: Explicit Cursor
Query places data in an internal structure Fetches record one at a time Default settings allow for forward-backward traversing and data updates Consumes extensive resources If required use LOCAL, FAST_FORWARD, and READ_ONLY options

18 Hidden Loops: Internal Loops
The hidden but very high speed looping effect that set-based code experiences behind the scenes A simple SELECT "iterates" through rows but in a manner that the optimizer knows best Example: Windowing functions such as LAG, LEAD, ROW_NUMBER, RANK, etc.

19 Set-Based Processing Does NOT mean "all in one query“
A single query can contain a hidden loop Poor use of User-Defined Scalar Functions Multi-Line Table Value Functions can also cause loops Recursive CTEs contain hidden loops CAN mean something that has a loop Recursion can be done in a loop per recursion level Queries can then be executed in a set-based manner Does mean "touching" each row minimally Does require a paradigm shift in thinking

20 What We Covered Purposes and Uses How To Create Them How to Use
Inline Table-Valued Function Fixed Table How to Use Find Missing Data Perform String Splits Generate Data Replace Many Types of Loops & Cursors

21 Closing Thoughts Benefits over loops & cursors: Set-Based
Improves performance Simplifies the amount of code needed Improved Maintainability More concise code Less chance of errors Check out for more

22 References Jeff Moden: Dwain Camps: The Code Project: Red Gate:

23 Questions & Comments Aaron N. Cutshall BONUS:
A TON of free eBooks from Microsoft, RedGate and SentryOne! PRESENTATION FEEDBACK: Your thoughts needed Improve presentations Make this event even more valuable!!! Aaron N. Cutshall @sqlrv

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