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Progress on Intercalibration COAST GIGs

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1 Progress on Intercalibration COAST GIGs
JRC, Ispra, Italy 12-13 April 2007 Dave Jowett, Coast Group Chair and NE Atlantic GIG Co-ordinator


3 Results schedule - Codes
Results agreed April 2007 Results agreed June 2007 Results agreed AFTER June 2007 Metric/Method not applicable in MS or type

4 Summary of outputs 2006/7 Baltic

5 PL(1) DK(1), PL(1) Phytoplankton: Chlorophyll a Eutrophication CW B14 Salinity 6-22,sheltered, shallow lagoons EE(1), LV(1), PL(1) DK(1), LT(1 CW), LT (1 TW), PL(1) Benthic Fauna: National indices CW B13 Salinity 6-22, exposed, shallow DE(2), DK(2), EE(1), SE(1) Angiosperms: Eelgrass depth limit (DK + DE) CW B12 Salinity 6-22, sheltered, shallow FI(2) FI(2), SE(2) Macro algae: Depth limit Fucus CW B3 Salinity 3-6, sheltered, shallow, ice days FI (2), SE (2) CW B2 Salinity 3-6, sheltered, shallow, >150 ice days SE(2) FI (1), SE(1) CW B0 Salinity 0.5-3, sheltered, shallow, >150 ice days Countries involved (number of sites) Quality element Pressure Type

6 Intercalibration approach Phytoplankton
Common metric: Summer mean of chlorophyll a from May/June to September. Intercalibration was performed by comparison of the results from the national assessment.

7 Boundaries Chlorophyll a, g/l
*Baltic GIG – summer mean May/June – September **NEA GIG – summer mean 90percentile March - September

8 Intercalibration approach Benthic fauna
Intercalibration was performed in three steps: comparison of species sensitivity classifications comparison of indices comparison of classification of water bodies based on national methods for assessment

9 Boundaries - Benthic Fauna

10 Open Issues - Future Work
Comparison of Swedish and Finnish indices is ongoing in intercalibration types B0, B2 and B3. Denmark, Germany and Sweden: Further intercalibration work is needed. Estonia, Sweden, Denmark and Germany: Further comparison of the developed Estonian indices with the indices in the other Baltic countries is needed. Latvia: To decide either to use one of the existing indices (e.g. DKI) or to develop their own assessment system.

11 Intercalibration approach Macro algae
Reference levels for the benthic vegetation indicator have been set using: historical data, old literature best available expert judgement The class borders are based on expert judgement.

12 Boundaries Macroalgae - Fucus depth limit, m.

13 Intercalibration approach Angiosperms
Angiosperms: Hybrid between option 2 and 3. Bilaterally between Denmark and Germany Reference levels are based on historical data, expert judgment and modeling. Two approaches have been used for classification: percent deviation (3 scenarios) 15%, 20% and 25 % 2) modeling - dose-response relationships between physico- chemical variables (nutrient concentration, transparency) and vegetation metrics.

14 Boundaries Angiosperms - Eelgrass depth limit, m.

15 Baltic - Summary Some results now in all quality elements
Not all countries completed in any type/QE matrix More results expected by June 2007? Will be some gaps - Phase II?

16 Summary of outputs 2006/7 Black Sea

17 Black Sea - Next Steps National boundaries are being developed for phytoplankton and benthic invertebrates These are not that far apart Agreement needed on standard sampling and analytical methodologies No results by April 2007 Possible by June 2007?

18 Summary of outputs 2006/7 Mediterranean







25 Summary of outputs 2006/7 Mediterranean Macroalgae CY GR ES FR IT MT
SL HR M1 M2 M3 M4 Angiosperms - CY GR ES FR IT MT SL HR Posidonia M1 M2 M3 M4


27 AQUATIC FLORA- Angiosperms: Posidonia oceanica

28 Mediterranean - Summary
Some results in all quality elements by June 2007 Changes in typologies has been necessary Need to consider Mediterranean as two basins, east and west Other metrics need developing plus method standardisation Further work definitely needed after June 2007 and resources still be big issue

29 Summary of outputs 2006/7 North East Atlantic

30 Setting of Boundaries e.g. Benthic Invertebrates

31 National boundaries - Benthic Invertebrates
NEA1/26, NEA7 NEA8/9/10

32 Benthic Invertebrates - Future Work
Develop intercalibration for other habitats and how we link assessments over the whole waterbody Links to other pressures e.g. hydromorphology Transitional Waters Statistics - risk of misclassification, errors in sampling/analysis etc.

33 Summary of outputs 2006/7 North East Atlantic

34 Chlorophyll - Regional Boundaries

35 Chlorophyll - Regional Boundaries

36 Chlorophyll - Regional boundaries

37 Chlorophyll - Regional boundaries

38 Chlorophyll - Type EQRs

39 Summary of outputs 2006/7 North East Atlantic

40 Indicator Taxa - Phaeocystis cells > 106 per litre

41 Indicator Taxa - Phaeocystis cells > 106 per litre - sampling

42 Single Taxa - cells > 105 per litre

43 Phytoplankton - Future Work
Some metrics apply to a minority of MSs in the GIG - is this acceptable? Develop intercalibration of other metrics included in MSs schemes Linking metrics to produce whole QE assessments

44 Summary of outputs 2006/7 North East Atlantic

45 Macroalgae - Perennial Intertidal algae

46 Macroalgae - Perennial Intertidal algae

47 Macroalgae - Opportunistic macroalgae
EQRs to be calculated by June 2007

48 Summary of outputs 2006/7 North East Atlantic

49 Angiosperms - Intertidal Seagrass

50 Macroalgae and Angiosperms - Future work
More work on sub-tidal metrics More work on existing metrics and gaps e.g. saltmarshes Combining metrics e.g. intertidal/subtidal Should the two quality elements be combined in coastal waters or be treated separately as in TWs More work on TW metrics


52 Fish - Assessments

53 Fish - Boundaries

54 FISH D-fykes Belgian and English large 1m diameter French X diameter
Belgian fine meshed Irish French Belgian UK

55 Fish - Classification Options

56 Fish - Further Work Further redefinition of sub-types e.g. size, salinity ranges within existing single transitional type NEA11 Further work on comparable fishing methods e.g. types of gear Further work on methods for producing final classes All means that sadly no results are possible before June 2007….shame!

57 NE Atlantic - Summary Have agreed results for all quality elements except fish Some results need further confirmation for June 2007 There will still be some gaps - particular problem is Transitional Waters More work needed after June 2007 on these gaps plus other metrics and habitats

58 ISSUES Calculation of EQRs - how are they calculated? Common approach needed One out all out - metric level? Metrics agreed in a minority of MSs - is this acceptable? Does ECOSTAT accept the need to split types?

59 ISSUES Combination of metrics for different habitats - need rules for whole waterbody assessments Monitoring and assessment methods - documentation and harmonization Physico-chemical and hydromorphological QEs Resources for PHASE II - this is a BIG issue!!


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