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Solidarity and the distribution of Health Expenditures

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Presentation on theme: "Solidarity and the distribution of Health Expenditures"— Presentation transcript:

1 Solidarity and the distribution of Health Expenditures
Johan Polder Tilec-Tranzo Annual Conference Tilburg, January 26th 2012 Solidarity and the distribution of health expenditures

2 Solidarity and the distribution of health expenditures

3 Succes comes at the price of public health expenditure (billion euros, share in total public spending; source: CPB) Solidarity and the distribution of health expenditures

4 Competition in Dutch health care
Harmful for solidarity? no evidence Harmful for tax payer? Depends on the balance between costs and benefits Solidarity and the distribution of health expenditures

5 Policy debate anno 2012 Affordability of health care in the (near) future Given ageing Given trends in epidemiology and technology Given economic outlook Sustainability of solidarity Given that babyboom cohort gets older Given age specific trends in health expenditure Solidarity and the distribution of health expenditures

6 This presentation Macroeconomic perspective
The role of health as a determinant of health expenditure (HCE) Especially The distribution of HCE over the course of life regarding healthy ageing Solidarity and the distribution of health expenditures

7 Tranzo Health Economists’ Group
Solidarity and the distribution of health expenditures

8 What about health? Absence of illness Self perceived health
Physical and cognitive limitations Solidarity and the distribution of health expenditures

9 Solidarity and the distribution of health expenditures

10 Cost of illness 2010 Average HCE per inhabitant (euro) Females Males
Solidarity and the distribution of health expenditures

11 Solidarity and the distribution of health expenditures

12 “Red herring” in Dutch hospital expenditure Average expenditure for decedents and survivors Decedents Survivors age Solidarity and the distribution of health expenditures 12

13 Latent health States Based on the Longitudinal Ageing Study Amsterdam (LASA)
Bad health Moderate health Good health Solidarity and the distribution of health expenditures

14 Life expectancy Health expenditure
Solidarity and the distribution of health expenditures

15 The 2 faces of healthy ageing
Life expectancy at age 65 Cumulative HCE at age 65 Solidarity and the distribution of health expenditures

16 Lorenzcurve for Acute Care expenditure Single year versus lifetime
Lorenzcurve for Acute Care expenditure Single year versus lifetime Solidarity and the distribution of health expenditures

17 Conclusion Despite / (due to?) competition
there’s a lot of solidarity in the Dutch health care system (Between higher and lower incomes, not discussed) Between healthy and unhealthy people Between age cohorts But also between people and their future selves Solidarity and the distribution of health expenditures

18 Competition and solidarity
There’s a strong case for a longitudinal approach Health Maintenance Organizations Long term insurance contracts Health Savings Accounts Competition fair balance between solidarity and a Sustainable development of health care expenditure Solidarity and the distribution of health expenditures

19 “The increasing share of global income spent on healthcare expenditures is not a calamity; it is a sign of the remarkable economic and social progress of our age” (The Escape from Hunger and Premature Death, 1700–2100; 2004, p. 107). Solidarity and the distribution of health expenditures 19

20 Thank you…! Solidarity and the distribution of health expenditures

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