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Marxism and Realism.

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Presentation on theme: "Marxism and Realism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marxism and Realism

2 Terms—Marxism & Realism
Thomas Malthus—Essay on Population (1798) David Ricardo – Political Economy (1817) Utopian Socialists Robert Owen – New Lanark Karl Marx – The Communist Manifesto (1848) Bourgeoisie Proletariat Communism Charles Darwin Origin of the Species (1859) & The Descent of Man (1871) Natural Selection Social Darwinism

3 Adam Smith (Laissez-Faire)

4 Thomas Malthus (Essay on Population)

5 David Ricardo ( Political Economy)

6 Socialism Grew out of the Enlightenment faith in progress, its belief in the basic goodness of human nature & its concern for social justice Goal: a society that operated for the welfare of all the people

7 Robert Owen

8 New Lanark, Scotland

9 The Mills at New Lanark

10 Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels

11 The Communist Manifesto
Economic Determinism—economics drives social and individual behavior Bourgeoisie—own and profit from wage labor. Have power. Proletariat—factory workers who sold their labor

12 Communism (per Marx) A new society based on social equality, community property and social cooperation. No ruling class and no class conflict

13 Charles Darwin

14 Realism Response to industrial and urban changes
Attempt to represent the world as it was

15 Manet: Gare St. Lazare, 1873

16 Manet: A Bar at the Folies

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