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Capacities for Successful Implementation

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Presentation on theme: "Capacities for Successful Implementation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Capacities for Successful Implementation
Understanding of Community-Centered Health Shared understanding of the importance of the community and social environment in achieving health Process for orienting partners and stakeholders Ownership Shared excitement and energy for agenda Working Relationships Strong, mutually beneficial Engages residents, community and clinical organizations, and others who can help change community conditions Partners have clarity on how to contribute their strengths Transparency in operations Vision/Goals Articulated desired future for both health outcomes and related community conditions Supported by outcomes and measures Data Health Outcomes Community Conditions Patient or community resident input are collected and shared to inform priorities Distributed Leadership Active leadership includes resident-leaders clinical and community organizations partners in business and government Advocacy Members advocate for relevant policy and systems changes in organizations, government and business Clinical and Organizational Change Processes, practices, training and staffing within clinical and community organizations promote and achieve health Structure Agreed upon process for making collective decisions about priorities and resource allocation Agreed roles and responsibilities Focused and Aligned Commitments Shared decision making to prioritize strategies Partner activities, capacities and agendas align Resources Knowledge, training, money, relationships, etc. are identified, leveraged and allocated to support partners in their respective roles

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