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IT Modernization ITPA Monthly Luncheon.

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1 IT Modernization ITPA Monthly Luncheon

2 U.S. General Services Administration Bill Zielinski
Deputy Assistant Commissioner Office of Information Technology Category

3 U.S. General Services Administration IT Modernization Report
Published December 13th, 2017 50 Action Items related to: Network Modernization and Consolidation Shared Services to Enable Future Network Architectures Security Improvements to Federal Networks and Systems

4 U.S. General Services Administration
Modernization Government Technology Act MGT signed into law December 12th, 2017 Amendment to 2018 National Defense Authorization Act, includes provisions for: Working Capital Funds Agencies can reprogram unused IT budget to fund future modernization projects Technology Modernization Fund $210 Million proposed Not yet Appropriated

5 U.S. General Services Administration

6 U.S. General Services Administration Where to Learn More
Acquisition Gateway GSA Interact IT Customer Services Center Call us at 855-ITaid4u Sun. 8:00 p.m. to Fri. 8:30 p.m.

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