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History of Particle Nuclear Physics!
(sourced off the internet via Google)
Power points slides… thanks to David Krofcheck Canterbury Teachers Workshop And Stefania Ricciardi (sourced off the internet via Google)
The place to be for high energy physicists
Jura Lac Léman CERN (FR) Geneva airport CERN (CH)
Large Hadron Collider 27 km (17 miles) circumference
1600 superconducting magnets at 1.9° K ( ° C or – 459.7° F) 120 tonnes of liquid helium Accelerates beams of protons to % the speed of light Large Hadron Collider
The CMS detector at the Large Hadron Collider
New Zealand Muon Barrel Tracker (Pixels and Strips) EM Calorimeter Hadron Calorimeter Muon Endcaps Forward Calorimeter Beam Scintillator Counters CASTOR ZDC
PARTICLE PHYSICS Particle physics is a separate branch of physics which studies the fundamental particles and the fundamental forces of nature. Even before 1950 it was clear that there was more to the Universe than protons, neutrons and electrons.
Matter Particles ν μ 1932 p, n, e 1937 1940s mesons π, K 1950s
…hundreds of new particles were discovered!
The Particle Physicist’s Bible: Particle Data Book
"Young man, if I could remember the names of these particles, I would have been a botanist!“ E.Fermi to his student L. Lederman (both Nobel laureates) The Particle Physicist’s Bible: Particle Data Book Most particles are not stable and can decay to lighter particles..
quarks In 1964 the idea of quarks was proposed… u d proton neutron
These were elementary particle of, fractional electric charge, different flavours Zweig Gell-Mann u d proton neutron
Quarks detected within protons!
Freeway 280 End Station A experimental area 2 miles long accelerator Stanford (SLAC), California, late 1960s Fire electrons at proton: big deflections seen!
Protons and neutrons in the quark model
Quarks have fractional electric charge! u electric charge + 2/3 d electric charge -1/3 proton (charge +1) neutron (charge 0) u u u d So we know now that protons and neutrons are made of quarks. d d
What glues the quarks together?
d Gluons, of course proton
Anti-matter For every fundamental particle of matter there is an anti-particle with same mass and properties but opposite charge Matter Anti-Matter ne e- u d -1/3 +2/3 e+ +1/3 -2/3 +1 -1 Bar on top to indicate anti-particle positron Correspondent anti-particles exist for all three families Anti-matter can be produced using accelerators
Elementary particles of matter
1897 1st family: u, d, e- , e 2nd family: c, s, - , 3rd family: t, b, - , leptons 1995 Higgs Canterbury Teachers Workshop 4 July, 2012
Quarks and colour All quark flavours come in 3 versions, called “colours” u d +2/3 -1/3 up down Quarks combine together to form colourless particles Baryons (three quarks: red+ green + blue = white) Mesons (quark-antiquark pair) such as red+anti-red u-ubar state Strong forces “glue” quarks together in bound states proton p u pion u p
Building more particles
B mesons (bq) c c J/y b b Y Many more mesons and baryons…
. 10-40 10-2 1 10-5 All these interactions are manifestations of only
4 basic interactions 10-40 10-2 átomo Gravitational Force Electromagnetic Force 1 10-5 nuclei n p + e- + ne d u + e- + ne Strong Colour Force Weak Force
Standard Model of Particle Physics
In a quantum description of matter and the laws of interaction between them still do not know how to incorporate gravitation, but the rest of interactions are well described by a mathematical theory, the Standard Model, able to make predictions that have been confirmed in experiments. leptons Messengers interactions
Force Particles (summary)
Particles interact and/or decay thanks to forces Forces are also responsible of binding particles together Strong: gluons Only quarks (because of their colour charge) Weak: W+, W-, Z0 Leptons and quarks (only force for neutrinos) Electromagnetic:g Quarks and charged leptons (no neutrinos) Gravity: graviton? Still to be discovered Negligible effects on particles
Beyond the Standard Model:Unification of forces
ELECTRO- MAGNETIC UNIFIED FORCE? GRAVITY STRONG WEAK Looking for a simple elegant unified theory
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