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Boreatton Park PGL 2018.

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1 Boreatton Park PGL 2018

2 holidays/centres/boreatton-park#.VS_Kb_nF9Ic
Emergency Contact Nos: (PGL 24 hr duty) (School)

3 Staff: Mrs Woods Mrs Harrison Mrs Hicks Mrs Edwards Mr Sweeney Mr Avis Mrs Barratt Mr Tamburro Mr McGovern Mrs Turnbull Fr Craig will be joining us on Saturday

4 Departure Day: Friday 11th May
Arrive at school in own clothes (appropriate for the weather!) and sensible footwear at normal time. Bring their clearly labelled luggage to the library. Your son/daughter will need to be able to carry their own luggage on arrival They will continue the school day as normal until lunchtime If they are packed lunches, they will need to bring this in a disposable bag/container We will leave school at approx. 1.00pm and arrive at PGL at approx.3.30pm Introduction by PGL staff and unpacking Dinner Evening Activity: PGL Campfire SLEEP!!!

5 Activities: Abseiling Giant Swing Fencing
Low Ropes Orienteering Aeroball Zip Wire Archery Quad Biking Problem Solving

6 Saturday 12th May Breakfast Session 1: 9.20am-10.50am
Session 2: 11.00am-12.30pm Lunch Session 3: 2.10pm-3.40pm Session 4: 3.50pm-5.20pm Mass Dinner Evening Activity: PGL Sports Night

7 Sunday 13th May Breakfast Session 1: 9.20am-10.50am
Session 2: 11.00am-12.30pm Lunch Session 3: 2.10pm-3.40pm Session 4: 3.50pm-5.20pm Dinner Evening Activity: Disco

8 Monday 14th May Breakfast Session 1: 9.20am-10.50am
Session 2: 11.00am-12.30pm Lunch Depart from Boreatton Park approx. 1.30pm Estimated arrival back at school approx. 4.00pm ( we will send a text if we will be earlier/later)

9 What Your Child Will Need To Take:
It is a good idea to have a list taped inside the case- this will help when the bags are packed on the day we return. Be aware that items may get lost or ruined so please do not pack valuables or best clothes! Please note that ALL items should be clearly labelled – including underwear etc.

10 What Your Child Will Need To Take:
Long sleeved t-shirt Sleeping bag ( we have spares – please let us know) Long pair of socks – i.e. football socks Pillow Night wear Wash bag – tooth brush, shower gel, shampoo, flannel, hairbrush, hair clips, toothpaste Two changes of underwear for each day Two jumpers / fleeces Three pairs of trousers (NOT JEANS) Labelled bin liner for wet, dirty clothes Shorts in case of good weather Sun hat Hat and gloves in case of cold , wet weather Sun cream Camera (not essential) e.g. disposable camera Two pairs of practical shoes e.g. trainers or boots Plastic drinks bottle labelled and empty T-shirt for each day and one spare Socks for each day and one spare pair One set of disco clothes - (just in case!) Waterproof jacket / trousers Towel

11 What Your Child Will Not Need To Take:
Electrical items Aerosols Sweets, food and drink Mobile Phones Torches Valuables and jewellery Sunglasses Money

12 Communication: We will post pictures on the website (and via our Facebook and Twitter feed) at the end of each day – please be aware that this will not be until late in the evening If you have an emergency and need to contact us, please use the following numbers: Emergency Contact Nos: (PGL 24 hr duty) (School)

13 Medical: We have two trained first aiders with us on the trip: Mrs Harrison and Mr Sweeney PGL have their own medical assistance team on sight If your child requires medication, please ensure that you bring it into the school office on Tuesday 8th May (this includes travel sickness tablets) If you have any concerns that you would like to speak to a member of staff about – we are all available after the meeting this evening

14 Questions!

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