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CHJS Governors Gazette Introducing our New Parent Governor

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1 CHJS Governors Gazette Introducing our New Parent Governor
New Learning Areas From the Chair It is difficult to believe we are approaching the end of another school year! We have had a very busy year so far at CHJS, with a lot to update you on. The pressure continues in the education community, with a constant focus on school finances, pupil progress, improvement initiatives and maintaining our wonderful school ethos. We are in a very fortunate position to be able to feedback back to you positively on all these topics. As mentioned in our last newsletter, and after our recent budget cycle, we continue to manage the school finances well and have a secure outlook. This is a fantastic result as it means the school can continue with all the new initiatives that they need to support our children. As one example, we are looking to invest in enough Ipads for each year group to use the new application ‘Seesaw’ for marking, feedback and learning. This is innovative technology which you can also use as Parents. Our pupils continue to progress well with the support of the outstanding teaching we have at our school. At the beginning of May we had our Annual JARV (Joint Annual Review Visit) and we were externally validated as an Outstanding school. A lovely quote from the report, “There is an uncompromising ambition for all pupils rooted in a commitment to ensure that every child is supported to realise their potential, whilst fostering a passion for life-long Learning”. Congratulations and thank you to the SLT, Teachers, Teaching Assistants and all Support Staff in developing this environment for our Children. Rondi Allan June 2018 Issue 8 Inclusiveness at Cunningham Hill We all pride ourselves of the inclusive nature of our school. This is encouraged across the Leadership, Teachers, Governors and PTA alike and is promoted at the pupil level as well. We have a very diverse community at CHJS, which makes us the fantastic school we are. The school is constantly adapting and one example of this is the school website, which can be translated into other languages. We are always looking for ways to ensure that we are meeting all the needs of our communities, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any additional ideas. Thank You! We would like to take this opportunity to thank our departing Governors. Rachel Wilson, Hans De Vynck and Catherine Carver-Hill. They have played a key role in working on the Governing Body and supporting the School. We appreciate the time, effort and dedication they have shown and wish them all the best in the future. Introducing our New Parent Governor We are very pleased to introduce our newest governor, Miss Farhana Chaudhury. Farhana is a parent to one of our Year 4 children, with a child in the Infants as well, has a passion for education and we look forward to working with her. We are still looking for additional governors to support the school (and us).They do not need to be parents at the school. If you would like to learn a bit more or know someone who might be interested, please contact the Office (or via the Governor address below) and they can get you in touch with us. It is very rewarding to be part of an outstanding school’s leadership team! Contact details: Phone

2 CHJS Governors Gazette
New Learning Areas Parent View Parent View is an online Survey Managed by Ofsted. It is an important tool for the school and we would like to encourage as many parents as possible to take 5 mins to complete it. Communication As governors, we would like to commend the CHJS on their communication with the school community. There is a lot of effort behind the scenes to ensure that all channels are kept updated and this is appreciated. We have recently conducted a thorough analysis of the communication we have with all the Stakeholders and a full review of our Website. We found that all channels are addressed and when benchmarked with other schools, we also are extremely proactive. A couple of key points to highlight: The Website is a very useful tool for day to day school activities as well as policies and Homework help. Following the PTA social link is a great way to get involved and volunteer, even on the one-off PTA events, like volunteering at the disco. Another improvement we have made is that Governors can now be contacted via a new address, confidential to them. June 2018 Issue 8 Update on the School Priorities As mentioned our last Governors Newsletter, School Leadership (both Staff and Governors) set school priorities each and every year. These are not only for the whole school but individually for the each subject studies at the school. We would like to share an update on these and the progress to date. For the Teaching, Learning and Assessment aspect of the school, they are focussed on: 1) Continue to embed new assessment system Each school runs assessment programs on the students to monitor the progression and opportunity for improvement for each and every pupil, in each and every subject. The CHJS assessment approach is new in the last year, and the school is refining it to ensure it gives an accurate and efficient results of your child's progress and attainment. During the most recent JARV visit this was deemed to be a thorough and impressive system to measure all Children and their progress.  2) To maintain the improved progress in SATS maths at the end of KS2 As previously shared, the SATS results for the last academic year were outstanding. Our goal and target this year is to maintain that high level and ensure the building blocks continue to be in place throughout the whole school to keep the levels high. The JARV visit indicted that all the building blocks are in place for this to be continued. 3) Teaching standards  The school has a desire to maintain outstanding teaching across the board. This means that all teachers and teaching assistants need to be supported to meet expectation of teaching, planning and assessment. The leadership team carry out learning walks to ensure standards are met and that new teachers to the school are trained in the ‘Cunningham Hill Way’. This was recognised by our JARV visit where all teaching was deemed ‘Outstanding’.  4) Professional progression pathway We are aware of the challenges in the teaching profession the UK at the moment, and are focussing our efforts and plans on maintaining our current professional, motivated, skilled and outstanding Staff. This includes providing relevant opportunities both within and outside the school. As Governors, we are supporting whole-heartedly any professional development opportunities. ,

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