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Caste System A hierarchy or form of social organization that sets forth certain rules for each member in Indian society.

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1 Caste System A hierarchy or form of social organization that sets forth certain rules for each member in Indian society

2 Caste System A social organization where a person’s occupation and position in life is determined by the circumstances of his or her birth. People are born into a particular caste and remain in that caste all of their life. They can only move up after death. The government of India has attempted to abolish the caste system in 1949, but long standing traditions do not easily die and it is still practiced. The caste system is less visible in cities, but remains in villages. There are thousands of castes and sub castes, the five major divisions are as follows:

3 Caste System

4 Brahmins Priests, Scholars, Teachers and Religious Officials

5 Kshatriyas Military Rulers, Landowners, and Warriors

6 Vaisyas Farmers, Merchants, Traders, and Craftsmen

7 Sudras Servants and Basic Laborers

8 Dalit Untouchables – so low they are not really considered in the caste. They must do the worst and dirtiest of jobs.

9 The Untouchables

10 The Untouchables Perform jobs considered unfit for higher castes
Unclogging sewers and toilets, cremating, removing road-kill, killing and disposing of dead cattle and handling the dead and/or human remains

11 The Untouchables This man was seen fishing in a higher caste fishing hole. Later, he was found and acid had been thrown onto his face. This is how an untouchable can be punished for trying to live outside his place in society.

12 The Untouchables This man was seen fishing in a higher caste fishing hole. Later, he was found and acid had been thrown onto his face. This is how an untouchable can be punished for trying to live outside his place in society.

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