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Government Control Day 1

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1 Government Control Day 1
Please take a copy of the notes from the Take One Tray and have a seat. Agenda for 10/18/2016 Notes on film Watch and analyze Eagle Eye

2 Utopia If you could make a society/school that was perfect, what would it be like?

3 Bellringer While we have watched a few films in this class we have yet to discuss what it takes to create a great film. So what does it take? What are the components of a great film? What do you look for in a movie? Answer this bellringer on your sheet.

4 Cinematic Elements Today, we are start a conversation about the difference between good literature and fun literature. Which is which below? How can we tell?

5 Good literature vs. fun literature
First of all, these are arbitrary terms, and there is no such thing as a fine line between good, interpretive literature and fun escapist literature. Most everything lies on a spectrum between. But: Good literature is trying to make a point about life through the tools it has at its disposal. Escapist literature is trying to make you escape your life by having a little fun getting lost in the story. This is why we have English class, to use those tools to find out about the lives and thoughts of other people.

6 Plot Plot should go from event to event, character to character seamlessly. The Plot has to be “original.” This doesn’t mean that you can’t use old idea, but you do have to use them in different ways. Ex.: Star Wars: Although not the best of scripts, the plot of Star Wars is pretty ingenious.

7 Script A script must keep the audience’s attention. Clerks
This is where the 1st part of character development happens. A good script won’t just move film from plot point to plot point, it will develop characters, tone, themes, etc. Clerks

8 Acting This is the 2nd way in which a film can develop a character.
A good actress will change the way she walks, talks, sits, drives, etc. while on screen. A good actress can play different roles and the audience will only see the character she is playing on screen, not the actress herself. This is one of the first things that can break the fourth wall.

9 “Good” vs. “fun” acting Joker Skip

10 Eagle Eye Film Analysis
D.J. Caruso’s Eagle Eye is a fun movie, but—almost objectively speaking—not a good film. This will become painfully clear when, at the end of the film, a character explicitly articulates the film’s theme statement, which is: “Sometimes the very measures we put into place to safeguard our liberty, become threats to liberty itself.” As we view Eagle Eye, identify scenes, dialogue, and acting that are either necessary or unnecessary in order to establish this theme. Explain each piece of evidence.

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