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Museums 2015 Barbican House: work on the exhibition ‘treasuring the past’ that will display the MBA ‘near Lewes’ hoard is progressing well; this will open.

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Presentation on theme: "Museums 2015 Barbican House: work on the exhibition ‘treasuring the past’ that will display the MBA ‘near Lewes’ hoard is progressing well; this will open."— Presentation transcript:

1 Museums 2015 Barbican House: work on the exhibition ‘treasuring the past’ that will display the MBA ‘near Lewes’ hoard is progressing well; this will open in Lewes and then transfer to Fishbourne Roman Palace CDC. Marlipins Museum: has a changing calendar of exhibitions this season, including a joint exhibition with Worthing Museum covering Shoreham’s WWI training camp. The museum department is also partner with University of the Arts (London)/London College of Communication and the Reeves photographic studio in submitting an HLF application to record the Reeves archive - a 3 year project that will bring some resourcing and officer support into the Research Division. It is planned that this project will serve as a model to extend project work and funding to cover the Society’s other photographic collections (in excess of 750,000 images/negatives). All museums will continue to work on Accreditation requirements in order to ensure the Society maintains maximum grant eligibility as well as meeting industry/sector standards.

2 Library 2015 Complete cleaning, and set up programme to maintain conditions.  Assess Library stock for condition with a view to identifying what needs conservation, for future funding consideration. Further work on sorting out catalogue, currently in progress, and begin populating Google Drive.  Some minor amendments to our page of the website will be needed.

3 Finds Liaison Officer (FLO): Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) 2015
To balance an ever-increasing demand for PAS finds identification service throughout Sussex with severe budget cuts, including the cut to my travel budget by nearly 50%. To provide the public with new opportunities to engage with discoveries from our community, such as the exhibition on the ‘Near Lewes’ hoard, and to provide unique opportunities for object handling and finds training.  This will hopefully emphasize the hard work of our Society and local archaeologists!

4 Research Meet my £15k budget target for external income generated from contract finds analysis – worked for 11 different clients, from Archaeology South-East to Bristol City Council on finds brought in £19,128 net Sussex Archaeological Collections - re-establish the publication team following the loss of Dora Kemp, implement some new procedures and get the volume out before the end of the year!

5 Research   Run a successful 2015 season at Tidemills, finishing off the complex heart of the site and moving onto the mill remains with luck. Begin some post-excavation work on the finds from Tidemills and start seeking funding for the main post-excavation phase of the project. In conjunction with ESCC and WSCC, begin to implement the new retention/discard guidelines/procedures on archaeological finds. Work in association with colleagues on other projects including education/family events, research projects such as the Battle of Lewes etc

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