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Empowering Adult Learners through Co-Active Advising

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Presentation on theme: "Empowering Adult Learners through Co-Active Advising"— Presentation transcript:

1 Empowering Adult Learners through Co-Active Advising
NACADA International Conference Dublin, Ireland July 16-19, 2018 Megan Green, MS, MBA, PMP University of Maryland University College - Europe

2 Outline Overview of Nontraditional Students
What is Co-Active Advising? Resources and Techniques to Add to Advising “Toolkit”

3 Nontraditional Students
According to data collected by the National Center for Education Statistics, approximately 74% of all undergraduates met at least one of the following criteria defining adult learners/ nontraditional students: 1. Delays enrollment. 2. Attends college part time for at least part of the academic year. 3. Works full time (35 hours or more per week) while enrolled. 4. Is considered financially independent for purposes of determining eligibility for financial aid. 5. Has dependents other than a spouse. 6. Is a single parent. 7. Does not have a high school diploma. Retrieved from:

4 What is Co-Active Advising?
An effective co-active advisor listens, asks questions, and empowers students. Some characteristics include: Considers all aspects of the student’s life. Provides constructive guidance and mentoring. Assists students to find solutions themselves. Retrieved from::

5 Toolkit Recommendation: Do your Research
Advising Techniques Academic Advising: A Comprehensive Handbook NACADA Academic Advising Resources - Articles/Advising-Resources.aspx Career Industries Career One Stop - College Grad - Inside Career Info - US Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook - Course Curriculums

6 Toolkit Recommendation: Listen to and Coach your Student
Ignore any preconceived notions about the student’s current academic and life situation. Guide your student through making academic decisions and understanding the impact of those decisions. Give the student the level of attention you would want to receive if you were in their position.

7 Toolkit Recommendation: Know your Resources
Institutional Resources for Students: Career Services, Library Services, Tutoring Services, etc. Institutional resources for staff: Training and informational documents Other institution departments that can assist staff and students

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