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Biology Honors 2016- 2017 Welcome!.

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Presentation on theme: "Biology Honors 2016- 2017 Welcome!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biology Honors Welcome!

2 Class Opener 12/19/16 •YOUR TASK-
•Organize yourselves into a line by alphabetical order •GO – you have 5 minutes!

3 Mrs. Roach About Me Teacher here at MRHS since 2007
I’ve taught the following courses: Bio Honors, Integrated Science, Marine Science/Oceanography, Bio Environmental, Chemistry CP and Honors Girls track and former cross country coach, Art Club advisor Loves (Besides science): Art and photography, dogs, road trips, Netflix, Coffee (and coffee related items always good for bribing) Hobbies: Grading your stuff, running, and mixed martial arts



6 Staying in Touch Class Twitter: @roachscience16

7 Google Classrooms Each class will have a google classroom Codes
AP Academy (2-3): llbwr96 Biology CCR (5-8): dtecga Biology CCR (9-10): uip9fq Biology Honors (5-8): mmoiji Biology Honors (9-10): 9l756vo

8 BIOLOGY Mrs. Roach

9 Class Procedures Preparedness 1. One 3-Ring Binder 2. One Folder 3. One Marble Composition Book (Honors only) 4. Highlighters (helpful)

10 School Rules **Refer to Chart of Consequences ** Notes: Cell Phones Tardiness To Class Disruptions Teacher Detentions: with me will on Thursdays 2:20-2:40 *You will complete an assignment I see you every other day- please do not instigate in behavior that prevents me from teaching or you and your peers from learning *PLEASE PUT CHART AS THE FIRST ITEM IN YOUR BINDER*

11 Rules ONE Person out a time
HALL PASSES- on bulletin board (no need to ask) Bathroom Hallway (drink, etc) ONE Person out a time Pre-Signed- wait 5 minutes after the bell rings, fill out pass book DO NOT ABUSE- I TRUST YOU ARE YOUNG ADULTS WHO WILL “TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS” AND RETURN TO CLASS PROMPTLY

12 Expectations 1. All students are expected to participate in class discussions, group activities. This includes asking questions! The only stupid question is the one that is not asked. 2. Attendance is vital to success. If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to see me immediately at the beginning of class the day you return! If you are absent for one day, you have one day to make up the work; 2 days absent = 2 days to make up the work, etc ** MISSED LABS MUST BE MADE UP AFTER SCHOOL OR YOUR LUNCH** The same rules apply for missed quizzes and tests. Failure to comply with the rules will result in a zero for all late assignments and all missed quizzes/tests. **Being absent for a review does not excuse you from taking the test **

13 Late?? * There is no such thing as a LATE assignment! Homework that is not handed in on the due date is a ZERO (exceptions few and far between) Homework that is not handed in within the absentee make-up period is a ZERO ** YOU CANNOT MAKE UP MISSING HOMEWORK ** Lab Reports are allowed ONE day late for a reduction of 10 points (after that it is a zero)

14 Extra Help after school until 2:40 !
Grading Policy All grades are based on a point system. Grades are available for you on Genesis- please check them regularly Tests pts Labs pts Formal Labs 100 pts Quizzes up to 50 pts Homework 10 pts Class work pts Unit Projects pts To calculate your grade: (Total points earned/ Total points possible) x 100 Extra Help after school until 2:40 !

15 Honor Code Policy at MRHS
If you get caught cheating Severe consequences!! Examples of cheating (besides the obvious) “borrowing” work to check your own and filling in your blanks it’s just “homework” mentality “You do #1-5 and I’ll do #6-10” and we’ll share answers” Printing out 2 sets of work and changing the names because “you worked on it together” NO EXCUSES – I’VE HEARD & KNOW THEM ALL!!!

16 Honor Code Policy cont . . . Who is notified? Parents Mr. Radisch
Your guidance counselor/case manager Your coaches What happens? Zero on assignment  Loss of Credit No letter of recommendation Banned from National Honor Society Part of your permanent record at MRHS

17 Class Procedures ** If you are having problems in class, with any of the work, or are falling behind, PLEASE SEE ME!! I am here to help you in anyway I can, so don’t be afraid to ask for assistance. With everyone’s cooperation we will have an enjoyable (although sometimes challenging) and successful year! I look forward to working with and getting to know each one of you!

18 What to Expect this Year??
Unit 1: Ecology Unit 2: Cell Specialization and Homeostasis Biochemistry Cell Biology Cell Division Unit 3: Genetics Unit 4: Evolution

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