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Lesson 5&6: Creating an interactive quiz

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1 Lesson 5&6: Creating an interactive quiz
Spreadsheets Lesson 5&6: Creating an interactive quiz

2 Lesson Objectives To understand what validation is, and why it is used
To apply validation rules to create drop down lists

3 Validation What do you think it means to validate something?
To check that something is correct We use validation to ensure that the data someone enters is the data we want to receive. This reduces errors

4 Example This is a spreadsheet of actors and actresses
This column is their year of birth. We could set it so that the user could only enter years AFTER 1900 Why would we do this? What data should be in this column? How could we ensure that only these 2 things were added?

5 Validation types There are many different types of validation we can choose from. There are many different types of validation we can choose from including Whole numbers which are equal to, more than, less than, between Dates and times in certain formats Text which is a specific number of characters Lists

6 Over the next 2 lessons You will be making an interactive picture quiz on excel which will be multiple choice. The user will be able to select an answer from a drop down list


8 We will also use an IF formula give feedback on whether the answer is correct or incorrect

9 Create a template like the one below
You may want to Merge cells Use fill colour

10 Making a validation list
Somewhere on your spreadsheet you need to put a list of answers that you want to include in the drop down. We will hide this column so the user cant see

11 Making a validation list
Click in the box where you want to list to appear Go to the DATA tab and click on VALIDATION Select LIST In SOURCE, click on the icon to the right. Highlight the list you want to appear in the drop down, then click ok

12 Finishing your quiz Add images and lists of answers to your quiz.

13 IF formula =IF(A1=“The Saturdays”,”Correct”,”Incorrect”
This is what will appear if the test is met. IF A1 DOES = the Saturdays then the word “correct” will appear = IF is the type of formula This is the test. At the moment it is testing if the contents of cell A1 is equal to The Saturdays This is what will appear if the test is not met. IF A1 DOES NOT = the Saturdays then the word “correct” will appear

14 ( = IF Hair Blonde Stand Sit ) = , , =IF(Condition,Then,Else)
We want to write a formula so that all the students in the class stand up IF they have blonde hair. If they don’t they will remain seated. ( = IF Hair Blonde Stand Sit ) = , , Conditional Operator : = Equals > Greater than < Less than >= Greater than or equals to < = Less than or equals to

15 ( = , , ) =IF(Condition,Then,Else) = IF Sibling Brother Wave Clap
We want to write a formula so that all the students in the class will wave their hands if they have a brother, if they don’t they will clap their hands ( = IF Sibling Brother Wave Clap = , , ) Conditional Operator : = Equals > Greater than < Less than >= Greater than or equals to < = Less than or equals to

16 =IF(Condition,Then,Else)
We want to write a formula so that all the students in the class who are older than 14 will click their fingers, those who aren’t will stand up ( = IF Age Click Stand 14 , ) > , Conditional Operator : = Equals > Greater than < Less than >= Greater than or equals to <= Less than or equals to

17 ( IF Sibling Click Clap ) , >= 1 , =IF(Condition,Then,Else) =
We want to write a formula so that all the students in the class who have one or more siblings will click their fingers, those who don’t will clap ( = IF Sibling Click Clap ) , >= 1 , Conditional Operator : = Equals > Greater than < Less than >= Greater than or equals to < = Less than or equals to

18 Putting this into your quiz
In the feedback box enter an IF formula. Change this to the cell that your drop down is in Change this to the correct answer. Make sure it is written EXACLT as it is in your drop down =IF(A1=“The Saturdays”, “Correct”,”Incorrect”)

19 Conditional Formatting
Do you remember what Formatting is? Conditional formatting is when we can format cells differently depending on what is inside them (of if they meet certain conditions)

20 Correct = Green/Incorrect = Red
Click on the cell you want to alter. Go to the HOME tab Click on Conditional Formatting New Rule

Change this to EQUAL TO

22 Try it out This will make the cell green if the word “correct” is put in it Do the same to make it red when the word “Incorrect” is put in it

23 Extension How can you make your quiz better?
Try adding a score. You can use the COUNT IF formula to count all the correct answers.

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