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Films function like language

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Presentation on theme: "Films function like language"— Presentation transcript:

1 Films function like language
Films function like language. There is a set of rules and vocabulary to organise meaning Meeting audience expectations = pleasure! Not static – constant negotiation between industry and audience What does genre mean? Genres offer comfort and reassurances and closing down of the complexities of life Genre provides a relationship between the audience and the producers which minimises the risk of financial failure Genre films work through cultural myths and fears by repetition, innovation and resolution Genres feature a set of characteristics/ formulae which are recognised by audiences over time

2 DVD Covers – How / what to analyse.
Text – How is it written, is it characteristic, oes it suggest genre? Images – Where are they placed, size, layout etc. Does it suggest genre? Colour – Patterns, tone etc. Does it suggest genre? Design and layout – What is placed where and why. Does it suggest genre? Genre codes – What is typical of the genre? Does it suggest genre? Audience – Who is it aimed at and how do you know this? Does it suggest genre? Organisations – Any other media organisations supported. What other films do they produce? Does it suggest genre?

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