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The bus stop that ate children

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1 The bus stop that ate children
By: Benjamin Muscat

2 PART:1 The bus stop that ate children is a story about a girl who was afraid of a bewitched tree. This girl Precious was afraid of the bus stop shelter because her brother Kapito scared her by telling her a scary story that the tree eats children.

3 PART:2 Even though Precious was afraid of the bus stop shelter she had to go to town to buy food from the market for her family because her mother was going to have a baby. She didn’t stay in the shelter. She kept a safe distance from it.

4 PART: 3 Suddenly she heard tap tap tap on the tree. She remembered that lost child from the other town Kapito told her is in the belly of the witch tree. Inside the tree really there was a bird with its chicks. The mother bird put mud on the witch tree so she can protect her chicks from snakes and eagles. Precious said to herself,”Kapito, you are the world’s greatest liar!”.

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