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the roles of parents and carers

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1 the roles of parents and carers
Students Learn About: Students Learn To: the roles of parents and carers satisfying the specific needs of the dependant building a positive relationship with the dependant promoting the wellbeing of the dependant outline the roles of parents and carers and evaluate the significance of each role in various parenting and caring situations

2 The Roles of Parents and Carers
Parents & carers take on various roles with their dependents. Roles change as dependents move through stages of life span.

3 The roles of Parents and Carers


5 Satisfying the specific needs of the dependant
S afety & security H ealth E ducation S ense of identity E mployment A dequate standard of living Responsibility of: adequate standard of living Parents & carers provide adequate shelter, nourishment, clothing. Also wholesome food, hygiene, shelter meets safety & security needs

6 Parents & carers provide love & support & accommodation that is safe.
Responsibility of: promoting sense of identity Lives with parent, bonding at birth, love, affection, patience. Opportunities for resilience, model skills such as tolerance, non violence Carers provide assistance, but allow independence to grow eg ageing Responsibility of: Safety & security Parents & carers provide love & support & accommodation that is safe. First aid, education, encourage play, socialising norms, disability access etc

7 building a positive relationship with the dependant
Positive relationship = both parties grow as a result of their interactions Parents hold the responsibility Builds social and emotional wellbeing Positive relationships can be achieved through: Prioritising time Showing genuine interest in the child Providing opportunities Promoting feelings of value Modeling of good behaviours

8 Caring requires care and respect – especially when caring for an aged or disabled individual
Issues for maintaining positive relationships can include: Changes in status. Eg; a parent becoming a dependent through illness, disability or age Conflict - involving housing and finances Young carers may resent impact on their own lives and opportunities. Eg; education, relationships, career, social life. All of these can make it difficult to build or maintain positive relationships both within and outside the family unit for parents and carers.

9 Promoting the wellbeing of the dependant
If we return to the original definition of wellbeing: “the degree of satisfaction achieved by individuals and groups and it is affected by how well needs are met” Wellbeing will be enhanced through meeting the specific needs of a child or dependant, and through developing a positive relationship with them. The six aspects of wellbeing – namely, emotional, economic, cultural, physical, spiritual and social – can impact on the promotion of dependant’s overall wellbeing. Parents and carers should provide opportunities to foster, develop and support these aspects with their dependants.

10 S P E C

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