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Package Management in R with Checkpoint

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Presentation on theme: "Package Management in R with Checkpoint"— Presentation transcript:

1 Package Management in R with Checkpoint
Andrew Worsley


3 Don’t Forget Silence your cell phones Online Evaluations
Submit for raffles by 3:30PM

4 Andrew Worsley Data

5 So why all the Fuss about R?

6 R is... 'Free' Capable Well supported Growing Improving
2016 IEEE Spectrum Programming Language Rankings

7 library(threejs) # outliers will be coloured red, all other points will be grey col = rep("#4c4646",nrow(dat)) col[top.ten] = "#b20000" # javascript 3d scatter plot scatterplot3js(x,y,z,num.ticks=NULL,color=col)

8 How do I ensure my work is reproducible when packages keep updating!?

9 require(checkpoint)

10 Checkpoint ‘The goal of checkpoint is to solve the problem of package reproducibility in R. Specifically, checkpoint allows you to install packages as they existed on CRAN on a specific snapshot date as if you had a CRAN time machine.’ – CRAN R Documentation Author: Microsoft Corporation Maintainer: Andrie de Vries Key function: checkpoint()

11 Demo A Very Basic Example






17 References and Further Reading
checkpoint Documentation Revolution Analytics Blog Git Repo threejs Documentation R Tools for Visual Studio


19 Thank You This FREE SQL Saturday is brought to you courtesy of these sponsors, speakers and volunteers who staff this event

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