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Rose Wilcox, Darren Evans, Jane Bunting and Graham Scott

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1 Rose Wilcox, Darren Evans, Jane Bunting and Graham Scott
The Birds and the Bees: investigating the impacts of environmental change on plant pollinator, antagonistic and seed disperser interactions Rose Wilcox, Darren Evans, Jane Bunting and Graham Scott

2 Contents The plan! What are ecological networks?
Why is restoration of moorland important? Restoration so far What are we going to do? Applications

3 The Plan What are the impacts of increased Nitrogen (N) deposition on species interactions. How does increased N affect the robustness of an ecological network. How successful is ecological restoration.

4 The Plan What are the impacts of increased Nitrogen (N) deposition on species interactions. How does increased N affect the robustness of an ecological network. How successful is ecological restoration.

5 What are ecological networks?
Ecological networks are a tool to represent species interactions within an ecosystem. These networks can be: Qualitative

6 What are ecological networks?
Level 4: Insects that predate on and parasitise the predators and parasites in level 3 Level 3: Insects that predate on and parasitise phytophagous insects in level 2 Level 2: Phytophagous insects (those that feed on broom) Level 1: Broom

7 What are ecological networks?
Ecological networks are a tool to represent species interactions within an ecosystem. These networks can be: Qualitative or Quantitative

8 What are ecological networks?

9 Our Questions Can ecological networks ever be properly reinstated in restored heathland areas? Does the function of species change with age of the restored sites? When are parasites reinstated as the top trophic level?

10 Why is UK moorland restoration important
Heather moorland is rarer than rainforest and 75% of remaining heathland is found in Britain. Moorland is of international global importance, not only because of its limited distribution but also because of its association with rare and threatened species. 10 of the 46 bird species inhabiting heather moorland are on the IUCN Red List of greatest conservational concern and 22 are on the Amber List. Heathland also provides the ecosystem service of being aesthetically pleasing and being of cultural importance.

11 Why is UK moorland restoration important

12 Restoration so far In 2003 the Moors for the Future Partnership formed, including organisations such as the Peak District National Park Authority, National Trust, Natural England, United Utilities, Severn Trent Water, Environment Agency, Yorkshire Water, Derbyshire County Council and RSPB. The aim of the partnership was to ‘undo’ some of the damage done on the Peak District and south Pennines over the last 150 years by revegatating large areas of bare peat

13 Restoration so far Lime and fertilisers have been applied to improve soil conditions. Once soil is stable, nursery grasses are added to create a root map. Native moorland plug plants are then planted and vegetation growth is monitored. Biodiversity and ecological restoration have so far not been monitored.

14 What are we going to do? 5 restored sites between 2 and 8 years old and 1 pristine site. Each site will contain 4 replicates, each with an area of 40x40m. During a 1 hour period at each site all flower visitors will be collected. Specimens will be identified to species and mouth parts, legs and abdomen will be swabbed for pollen.

15 What are we going to do?

16 What are we going to do?

17 Applications This will be the first study to investigate how the function of an ecological network changes over time in restored sites. By using parasitoids as an indicator of restoration success this study can assess the successfulness of current restoration projects to restore the ecological functions of the target ecosystem. If current restoration projects are found to be unsuccessful in restoring healthy ecosystems new management strategies must be initiated before we lose UK heathlands all together.

18 Acknowledgements Dr Darren Evans Dr Jane Bunting Dr Graham Scott
Jonathon Walker and the MFF partnership

19 Thank you for listening
“ It is interesting to contemplate a tangled bank, clothed with many plants of many kinds, with birds singing on the bushes, with various insects flitting about, and with worms crawling through the damp earth, and to reflect that these elaborately constructed forms, so different from each other, and so dependant on each other in so complex a manner, have all been produced by laws acting around us” Charles Darwin, Origin of Species Thank you for listening

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