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Funeral Service Management

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1 Funeral Service Management
Introduction 12/8/2018

2 Dual Role of the FD 1) professional 2) business person 12/8/2018

3 5 key ingredients for a successful organization
1) management 2) manpower 3) materials 4) money 5) machinery 12/8/2018

4 Management “the art and science of motivating people toward the achievement of a goal” 12/8/2018

5 FS Management “the administration of a funeral service enterprise, the activities of which encompass marketing office personnel facilities & financial management” 12/8/2018

6 Schools of Thought 1) Whole Person (Man) Total Funeral
2) Owner/Manager/Technician 12/8/2018

7 4 functions (pillars) of management
1) planning: a) mission statement b) goals & objectives c) strategy 2) organizing 3) directing (actuating) 4) evaluating (controlling) 12/8/2018

8 Planning Establishing a Mission Statement
Describes the purpose of the organization and includes what makes it different from other organizations. 12/8/2018

9 Planning (cont’d) Setting Goals and Objectives
Strategic planning: “the process of establishing an organization’s major goals and objectives and allocating the resources to achieve them” (Pride, Hughes, Kapoor 2005) 12/8/2018

10 Goal “broad statements about what an organization wants to achieve; developed in the strategic planning process; they form the basic plan or direction toward which decisions and activities are focused. They are motivational in nature and are usually stated in broad, general terms without reference to a time period” 12/8/2018

11 Objectives “specific statement of ends, the achievement of which are contemplated within a specific time period. Used in the management control process and provide a quantitative, and time framework to the organization’s goals. Intended to be accomplished by a specific date and are stated in terms, preferably in such a way that there is some measurable basis for determining the extent to which they have been achieved” 12/8/2018

12 Formulating a Plan for Achieving Objectives and Goals
Plan: “outline of the actions by which the organization intends to accomplish its goals and objectives” (Pride, Hughes, Kapoor 2005) 12/8/2018

13 Types of Plans Strategy: “an organization’s broadest set of plans, developed as a guide for major policy setting and decision making” Tactical: “a smaller-scale plan developed to implement a strategy” (Pride, Hughes, Kapoor 2005) 12/8/2018

14 Types of Plans (cont’d)
Operational: “a type of plan designed to implement tactical plans” Contingency: “a plan that outlines alternative courses of action that may be taken if an organization’s other plans are disrupted or become ineffective” (Pride, Hughes, Kapoor 2005) 12/8/2018

15 Organizing “the grouping of resources and activities to accomplish some end result in an efficient and effective manner” (Pride, Hughes, Kapoor 2005) 12/8/2018

16 Directing (Actuating/Leading & Motivating)
Leading: “the process of influencing people to work toward a common goal” Motivating: “the process of providing reasons for people to work in the best interests of an organization” Directing: “the combined process of leading and motivating” (Pride, Hughes, Kapoor 2005) 12/8/2018

17 Evaluating (Controlling)
“the process of evaluating and regulating ongoing activities to ensure that goals are achieved” (Pride, Hughes, Kapoor 2005) 3 steps: 1) set standards 2) measure performance 3) corrective action 12/8/2018

18 Basic Skills for Managers
Technical Human (people skills) Conceptual (“the big picture”) 12/8/2018

19 First Level/Line Managers
Coordinates and supervises the activities of operating employees Common titles: office manager, supervisor, foreman 12/8/2018

20 Middle Managers Implement the strategy developed by top managers
Common titles: division manager, department head, plant manager, operations manager 12/8/2018

21 Top Managers Upper-level executive who guides and controls the overall fortunes of an organization Common titles: president, vice president, chief executive officer, chief operating officer 12/8/2018

22 Funeral Service Management
Primary Objective: fulfilling the needs of client-families and the community resulting from death Secondary Objectives: meeting expenses; providing a reasonable return on investment; capital improvements 12/8/2018

23 Factors for FH Management
1) demand 2) economies of scale 3) price vs. non-price factors 4) advertising 5) education 6) role of the FD 7) vertical vs. horizontal integration 8) planning: non-durable & durable products; service 12/8/2018

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