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Dot Collections: Find 5, create expressions with 5.

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Presentation on theme: "Dot Collections: Find 5, create expressions with 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dot Collections: Find 5, create expressions with 5

2 Here is a collection of 5. How can you know 5 without counting?

3 I know 3 plus 2 equals five. Show me ways to see 3 + 2?
Students are invited to come to the board and circle with a finger or pen.

4 3 + 2 or I can say 3 + 2

5 3 + 2 or 2 + 3 order does not matter
This is five. I know three and two equal five. Can you show me where the three is? Where the two is?

6 3 + 2 or 2 + 3 This is five. I know three and two equal five. Can you show me where the three is? Where the two is?

7 I also know 4 + 1 is in 5. Show me where you see 4 plus 1.
This is five. I know three and two equal five. Can you show me where the three is? Where the two is?

8 or 1 + 4? You can name this 4 plus one or one plus four. Order does not matter.


10 Here are some more collections.
Thumbs up if you see five. I am going to show for 3 seconds, then wait and show again for 3 seconds.


12 Did you see 5? Did it have 3 and 2? Did it have 4 + 1?
Remind students you will show again.

13 This is five. I know three and two equal five
This is five. I know three and two equal five. Can you show me where the three is? Where the two is?


15 Invite several different students to show several different ways
Invite several different students to show several different ways... Each time say 3 and 2 equal 5. Come show us the 3 and 2

16 Come show us the

17 Let’s look at a different collection.
Thumbs up if you see 5.


19 Let’s take a second look to be sure. Thumbs up if it is five.
I am going to show it again... Look to see if there is 3 and 2.



22 Show us 3 + 2 or Invite students to the board to show.

23 Show us or 4 + 1. Invite students to the board to show.

24 Now your job is to look for 5 in a bigger collection.


26 Thumbs up, did you see 5? Let’s look again to be sure.

27 I see five and one is left so this is a collection of 6.

28 One more look. If you do not need to see, do not look. Remember thumbs up if you find 5

29 I see five and one is left so this is a collection of 6.

30 Where did you see your five….here’s the collection.


32 Did you see this 5?

33 Or this 5?

34 Or this 5?

35 Each time we found 5 there were how many more not circled?

36 I know 5 plus one more is six.
This is a collection of 6.

37 Let’s do another collection
I want you to watch for 5 and how many more? Think 5 + ?


39 Thumbs up for 5, let’s look again.


41 Last check. Do not look if you do not want to.



44 Explain where is 5 and how many more?

45 I saw this 5 and 2 more.

46 Did you see this 5 and 2 more?

47 How about this 5 and 2 more.

48 We all saw more I know = 7.

49 Ready for a new one? Remember we are looking for 5 + ? Find five and explain how many more.


51 I always show at least twice and maybe three times.


53 Are you looking for 5 and how many more?
Last look.



56 Where’s your 5 and how many more?
Have students come up and demonstrate their fives. Always a 2 more. Where’s your 5 and how many more?

57 Everyone found 5 and 2 more. I know 5 + 2 = 7

58 Practice finding 5 and naming how many more on the sheet the teacher gives out.

59 =

60 I see = 7 I also see so = 7

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