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Value Education – Karma Ura
OF CURRENT VALUE EDUCATION KNOWN BY DIFFERENT NAMES IN OTHER COUNTRIES Moral education (Japan, Korea, European countries, etc.) Value education Character education (USA) Civic education Citizenship education Ethics education
Values: Beliefs & attitudes about the way things should be, & what is important
Values taught in the U.S-last 50 years?
Emphasized personal rights? De-emphasized social responsibility? Produced psychological individualism? Undermines trust in others Undermines commitment Undermines altruism
The Centre for Bhutan Studies
12/8/2018 The Centre for Bhutan Studies
The Centre for Bhutan Studies
Sense of belonging, neighbours helping each other, and safety are all low in Thimphu 12/8/2018 The Centre for Bhutan Studies
? ? Yes No Yes No HOW DO WE TEACH VALUE EDUCATION? South Korea Bhutan
Text Book Specialization in Value Education Teacher Specialization in Value Education Yes No Yes No ? ? South Korea Bhutan
The hidden curriculum: the moral atmosphere of a school (John Dewey)
systems of symbols, disciplinary codes, hierarchy, ceremonies, and songs that heighten pupils' collective identities. Education is not value neutral anyway.
Class 4, 5, 6 Social Studies Science Class 7, 8 Class 9, 10 Dzo Eng
Earth & people Dzo Eng Geo Hist Sci Class 9, 10 Dzo Eng Geo Eco Civics Hist Phy Che Bio
Socials Studies for classes 3, 4, 5, 6 Dzongkha for classes 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Civics for classes 9 & 10 Economics for classes 10 Geography for classes 7, 8, 9-10 English for classes 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 History for classes, 7, 8, 9, 10
What is not published has not happened at all
— Attributed to Sloboban Milosevic, International Court of Justice testimony, 2004
General Observations of Value Contents in Textbooks
Both moral character (honesty, responsibility, respect) and social character (teamwork, dignity of work, loyalty, dedication, sacrifice) emphasized indirectly. Conformity (drig) , heirarchy and social stability emphasized indirectly, but too descriptive. Social institutions like tsechu and festivals, traditional games emphasized, but their roles in value transmission not discussed. In social conventions, excessive and irrelevant focus on description of bureaucratic and political post holders’ titles and clothes. Personal hygiene and sanitation emphasized but does not advance later to present structural issues of environmental degradation and pollution: No systematic notion of at-risk youths involving juvenile delinquencies: drugs and alcohol unwanted pregnancies, association with antisocial, deviant peer groups and pervasive exposure to violence in the media
General Observations of Value Contents in Textbooks
Altruism and compassion emphasized: designed to help others at a cost to oneself. But no motivational and generation techniques (Lojong (mind training) and Tong-len (exchanging self and other) etc) presented later. Mutualism emphasized: design to help others at a benefit to oneself. Friendship emphasized. Reciprocity and exchange of kindness emphasized: with respect to parents and kings. Hinted: kin selection (cost < benefit to a group) and Tit-for-Tat). Parental repayment of kindness emphasized. Merit and karma asserted. Rebirth and incarnation asserted but no conceptual grounding presented. Excessive focus on magical aspects of religious lineages over ethical, social or philosophical ideas they presented., Even the magical aspect cannot be presented without introducing tantra approach (focus on direct experience, whole person, energy, magical and symbolic, samsara=nirvana) Modelling moral behaviour : Ashoka, Guru, Buddha, Peling, Zhabdrung, Kings. Too unattainable figures, even though they represent the ethical & spiritual qualities of archetypal bodhisattvas . They are also decontextualised from doctrinal and value implications of their teachings. Approach is historical and chronological. For values, doctrinal approach would have been useful. Who is a Buddha vs what they taught?
General Observations of Value Contents in Textbooks
With respect to values, textbooks designed to exercise more declarative memory rather than reasoning and working memory. Textbooks dwell more on when than why and how? Social conventions emphasized, relying on social conventional reasoning. But moral or ethical reasoning not encouraged systematically. No moral dilemmas presented in narratives. No progressive concepts of moral education or character development, random narratives across subjects and classes. Inversion of standards – basic things suddenly repeated at higher classes. No underlying application of any moral development concepts such as Kohlbergian, Piagetian or Buddhist moral development theories. No systematic and progressive unfolding of Buddhist concepts over classes if that is wanted. No distinction between legal and moral rights, no distinction between conventions and ethics, compliance to laws emphasized
Summary Observations of Value Contents in TEXTBOOKS
Abrupt variations in standards across subjects in the same class and within the same subjects across classes. General lack of precision of concepts and language. Very regular typo errors and odd expressions. Order of arguments not logical and in SS, civics, and history textbooks. Too many irrelevant asides, eg., in Civics. Replacement needed in many textbooks, obsolete information in SS, Geography, History (19-20 century) Civics and Economics.
Broader Contemporary Context
Sudden Social Transformation and Dislocation, bringing value and community disintegration New sense of Individuality & Anxiety, poses question on a meaningful life Transition to the Information Age, attention as the ultimate resource Population Increase & Urbanization
The Emerging World View
Education is for competence! focus on character education is too diffuse. Failure to strategise an economy that gives meaningful employment and self-employment leading to reliance on foreign investment as solution Economic liberalisation, free trade is the solution ! less spirit of indigenous development ideas, huge consequence on values and identity, cannot claim different identity and GNH while emphasizing dominantly western ideas of free market and democracy. Libertarian politics is the solution! but we have just begun experimenting what is democracy, too early to say what is success!
What Do We Do Now? Soteriology: Concept of a GNH society as a goal, move from the goal to filling up details of parts. Not from the present situation to the future goals. This will help clarify what their lives are for and what is worth working for. Theories: Reflect concepts relevant for the 21st century and beyond consistent with holistic wellbeing; make it forward looking. This will make people value values as their moral reasoning develops Methodology: Include forms of practice and classroom teachings. Include engagement in resolving moral dilemmas at smaller scale. Promotes social responsibility and service to the community. Literature: Rewrite New Textbooks from Classes 1 to X. Make compatible reading list collections available. Basic Design of Textbooks: By presenting parts progressively, move from the edge (class 3) to the centre (by class X) like in a mandala, Scope of value education: Six aspects of moral personhood
Universally Shared Values?
But only paying attention to them denies what makes us particular, diverse Equality, Equity, Justice, Fairness Freedom, Participation, Inclusion Peace and Non Violence Respect, Diversity, Tolerance, Acceptance, Understanding Human Dignity, Individual Worth Responsibility – personal, social, civic, environmental Care and Concern for others, Compassion, Collective well being Honesty, Integrity, Transparency, Accountability Reconciliation, Truth, Forgiveness
GNH Values and Curriculum
There will be critics (Relativists) who say People’s happiness will depend on the fulfillment of values; the type of values is irrelevant since they are relative. But from a GNH point of view There is no separation of people’s happiness from the fulfillment of nine dimensions of GNH; it is interdependent. Fulfilling nine dimensions simultaneously is fulfilling happiness, subjectively and objectively.
Additional core Bhutanese values:
Traditions and cultures Loyalty to and unity based on Monarchy, tsa-wa-sum unclear slogan Family and community support Karma, freewill and freedom Interdependence of all sentient beings
Self No abiding self Others At an individual level:
At a societal level: a radical, deconstructive critique of prevailing cultural values and presuppositions a vision of the inter-relatedness of existence that allows---indeed entails--- an attitude of non-attached caring expressed as compassionate activity free of all self-cherishing concern. -Justin Whitaker At an individual level: a practice of radical self-transformation based on insight into the impermanent nature of reality and human existence - Justin Whitaker No abiding self Self Others Relation Deconstruction Interaction
VALUES are linked to VISION - M. Parker ”Creating Shared Vision
Values are powerful mental images of what we want to create in the future - M. Parker ”Creating Shared Vision
Relationships among Domains/Variables: A Deductive View
Relationships among Domains/Variables: A Holistic View = Interdependence
Example Only Arrow: cause-effect relationship “-” sign: negative effect Two lines: delay
Psychological wellbeing
GNH domain Values Compassion, generosity, forgiveness, calmness, gratitude, taking account of karma, empathy, truthfulness Values Actions Practice Meditation for mental training Prayer - ritual as attitude training Pilgrimage – as aid to meditation, assimilation and physical activity Volunteering Donation
GNH domain Values Actions Practice
Health GNH domain Vitality, fitness, soundness, self-worth, prevention, precaution, non-malignance Values Values Yoga and other physical activities Well balanced diet Avoidance of intoxicants (drugs, alcohol etc.) Avoidance of risky behaviours Public health Mindful consumption Actions Practice
Stress free, serenity, tranquility, bonding, healthy lifestyles
GNH domain Time Use Values Stress free, serenity, tranquility, bonding, healthy lifestyles Values Work -life balance Sleeping hours Recreation and leisure satisfaction Community service Socialisation Actions Practice
GNH domain Values Actions Practice
Education GNH domain Creativity, openness, diligence, insightfulness, perseverance, patience, creative thinking Values Values Historical literacy Cultural literacy Civic literacy Ecological literacy Food and nutrition literacy Health literacy Indigenous knowledge literacy Actions Practice
GNH domain Values Actions Practice
Good Governance GNH domain Integrity, trust, authenticity, justice, professionalism, wisdom credibility, far sightedness, competence, empowerment, non-discriminative, commitment Values Values Service delivery Political participation Rights, responsibilities freedom Rule of law Media Judiciary Actions Practice
GNH domain Values Actions Practice
Ecology GNH domain Interdependence, eco-consciousness, sustainability, non-doministic, non-utilitarian, aesthetic, naturalistic, reverence Values Values High air quality High water quality Conserve biodiversity Retain wildlife species Efficient energy use Proper waste disposal Eco friendly mass transportation system Eco friendly Industry Eco friendly foundation on urban sprawl Land use Actions Practice
Self reliance, security, quality sustainability, adequacy
Living Standards GNH domain Self reliance, security, quality sustainability, adequacy Values Values Actions Practice Basic needs Food security Income sufficiency Financial security Housing
GNH domain Values Actions Practice
Community vitality GNH domain Altruism, trust, reciprocity, fairness, fidelity, family closeness, solidarity, equality, unity, hospitality, cooperation, honor, sociability, cohesion Values Values Actions Practice Strong family ties Volunteering Donation Labour exchange Community participation Socialization
Identity, dignity, non-alienation
Culture GNH domain Identity, dignity, non-alienation Values Values Actions Practice Media Dialect proficiency Arts and architecture Games, tsechus, celebrations Artisan skills
Promote successful birth, living, aging and dying Reorganise structure of government from present service delivery system to GNH focused organisational development. Balance national consciousness between external sensation based stimuli and internal contemplation based stimuli Stabilize material affluence level to balance economy and ecology Restore purity of air, light, noise, water and soil Regenerate community and social life Protect biodiversity Influence the world to change, and be changed by good influences
Formulate fiscal system in harmony with GNH (budget allocation, tax and non-tax penalty system) Introduce full-cost national accounting and footprint analysis to complement GDP accounts Influence curriculum and media towards GNH Influence OD and HR towards GNH Influence transportation, industrial, financial and agriculture systems towards GNH
Fix GNH indicators for baseline and targets Create budgets and programmes to achieve those targets Provide ongoing commentary on current issues from GNH perspective Disseminate GNH to promote unity of purpose Educate people on GNH for behavioural change: hold conferences, produce multi-lingual films
Clarifying ultimate ends Understanding interrelationships
Trade-offs Tipping points (for breakouts and collapses) Delayed consequences Understanding process and logical orders of changes Focusing management on controllable means instead of results which are often not controllable Identifying leverage points and important indicators
Psychological wellbeing
GNH domain Values Compassion, generosity, forgiveness, calmness, gratitude, taking account of karma, empathy, truthfulness Values Meditation for mental training Prayer - ritual as attitude training Pilgrimage – as aid to meditation, assimilation and physical activity Volunteering Donation Actions Practice
GNH domain Values Actions Practice Values Health
Vitality, fitness, soundness, self-worth, prevention, precaution, non-malignance Values Values Yoga and other physical activities Well balanced diet Avoidance of intoxicants (drugs, alcohol etc.) Avoidance of risky behaviours Public health Mindful consumption Actions Practice
Stress free, serenity, tranquility, bonding, healthy lifestyles
GNH domain Time Use Values Stress free, serenity, tranquility, bonding, healthy lifestyles Values Work -life balance Sleeping hours Recreation and leisure satisfaction Community service Socialisation Actions Practice
GNH domain Values Actions Practice Values Education
Creativity, openness, diligence, insightfulness, perseverance, patience, creative thinking Values Values Historical literacy CuCivic literacy ltural literacy Ecological literacy Food and nutrition literacy Health literacy Indigenous knowledge literacy Actions Practice
GNH domain Values Actions Practice Values Good Governance
Integrity, trust, authenticity, justice, professionalism, wisdom credibility, far sightedness, competence, empowerment, non-discriminative, commitment Values Values Service delivery Political participation Rights, responsibilities freedom Rule of law Media Judiciary Actions Practice
GNH domain Values Actions Practice Values Ecology
Interdependence, eco-consciousness, sustainability, non-doministic, non-utilitarian, aesthetic, naturalistic, reverence Values Values High air quality High water quality Conserve biodiversity Retain wildlife species Efficient energy use Proper waste disposal Eco friendly mass transportation system Eco friendly Industry Eco friendly foundation on urban sprawl Land use Actions Practice
Self reliance, security, quality sustainability, adequacy
Living Standards GNH domain Self reliance, security, quality sustainability, adequacy Values Values Actions Practice Basic needs Food security Income sufficiency Financial security Housing
GNH domain Values Actions Practice Values Community vitality
Altruism, trust, reciprocity, fairness, fidelity, family closeness, solidarity, equality, unity, hospitality, cooperation, honor, sociability, cohesion Values Values Actions Practice Strong family ties Volunteering Donation Labour exchange Community participation Socialization
Identity, dignity, non-alienation
Culture GNH domain Identity, dignity, non-alienation Values Values Actions Practice Media Dialect proficiency Arts and architecture Games, tsechus, celebrations Artisan skills
SUPW (Community Services Learning)
Values SUPW (Community Services Learning) Rituals (Prayers) Classroom Teachings Meditation
Cultural values in classroom teachings
the teaching of basic Buddhist principles, such as the three refuges and the five precepts, the four noble truths and eight noble paths so that students develop understanding of how to live wholesome lives. No exploration of interdependence = emptiness= voidness = no abiding self = openess not explored anywhere. Also no exploration of union of skillfull means and wisdom. It has to be Vajrayana approach. discussion and reflection on key Buddhist teachings, such as cause and effect, interdependence and impermanence, to help students develop their understanding of the way things are implied. Do not know actual situation. promoting positive qualities and ethical values by studying appropriate biographies, tales and mythologies. But the direction haphazard, progression unclear. Selection of themese need improvement. introducing Buddhist teachers to schools to provide opportunities for interaction with the students. Not included. Pilot schemes in Thimphu. regular meditation practice to familiarise students with their inner world of thoughts and feelings. Not included. Learning by doing, social engagement as young boddhisattvas, absent. Young Boddhisattva course can be included.
Cultural values in classroom teachings Ethics: Theory and Practice
Begin with the elementary teachings of the Buddha, in Vajrayana Approach End with its analysis of contemporary moral issues—particularly within the context of Bhutan. Issues could include consumerism, globalization, social justice, ICT, media, competitive politics, environmental ethics, etc.
Why introduce meditation in schools? The next transformation
“Cognitive and Academic Performance Mindfulness meditation may improve ability to maintain preparedness and orient attention. Mindfulness meditation may improve ability to process information quickly and accurately. Concentration-based meditation, practiced over a long-term, may have a positive impact on academic achievement. Mental Health and Psychological Well-Being Mindfulness meditation may decrease stress, anxiety, and depression. Mindfulness meditation supports better regulation of emotional reactions and the cultivation of positive psychological states. Development of the Whole Person Meditation can support the development of creativity. Meditation supports and enhances the development of skills needed for interpersonal relationships. Empathetic responses are increased with meditation and mindfulness practices. Meditation may help to cultivate self-compassion.” Source: Santa Clara University
The ‘religious’ issue “Opening the contemplative mind in schools is not a religious issue but a practical epistemic question. It is about how we know, not about what knowledge we are giving others. Inviting the contemplative simply includes the natural human capacity for knowing through silence, looking inward, pondering deeply, beholding, witnessing the contents of our consciousness and so forth. These approaches cultivate an inner technology of knowing and thereby a technology of learning and pedagogy without any imposition of religious doctrine whatsoever. If we knew that particular and readily available activities would increase concentration, learning, wellbeing, and social and emotional growth and catalyze transformative learning, we would be cheating our students to exclude it.” (Tobin Hart, “Opening the Contemplative Mind in the Classroom”, Journal of Transformative Education Vol 2. No. 1 January 2004, p.29)
Community Service Learning
Investigate values students chose, to study in relation to their school or wider communities. Students deal with questions like: what is a value? What are our values? What action do we see coming from values? Carryout projects and make decisions based on their observation. Students collect data using questionnaires, interviews or other methods. Students reflect on questions such as why is this an issue? What are particular issues in our community? What do we need to find out? Report their findings and decide on the action that would need to be implemented around the values, making action plans to achieve aims they have set.
RITUALS (prayers) Make it more meaningful, shorten it to release time for other elements of rituals Introduce the world of symbols and techniques to help student understand arts and culture in general
6 Aspects of Moral Personhood
Reason Identity Values Character Behaviour Emotion logic justice for evaluation of values to resolve moral dilemmas ideology of highly moral individual, being good, self-reflective, self-righteous, self-critical feeling, desiring, emotions that respond to moral violations, or that motivate moral behavior all behaviours—overt or covert, physical or verbal or mental enduring tendencies to believe in the moral rightness or wrongness of a behaviour or state of being, cognition stable dispositions to respond to situations in moral ways through character traits, personality Source: Marvin W. Berkowitz. (1998). The Education of the Complete Moral Person
Values = PRINCIPLES Indicators = IMPLEMENTATION Policies
Most indicators are about market economy
INDICATORS = Value OF society Most indicators are about market economy Change in indicators is a first step towards changing or reflecting new values
Our drive to action, our will to act, should be driven by what we say we value and believe. If a practice is suggested from outside, our first question should be WHY? - How will doing this, using this practice, help us achieve what we say we value? As we explore new practices we should constantly reflect on how well it enables us to achieve what we value. WHY? Julia Atkin From Values & Beliefs about Learning to Principles & Practice
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