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Wendy England Careers Adviser

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Presentation on theme: "Wendy England Careers Adviser"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wendy England Careers Adviser
Presentation Skills P Wendy England Careers Adviser

2 To help you to prepare and deliver effective presentations
AIM: To help you to prepare and deliver effective presentations

3 Objectives At the end of this session, you will be able to:
Describe the process for giving effective presentations Explain how the use of visual aids can enhance your presentation Develop techniques to help you stay on track and deal with questions Utilise techniques to harness nerves Identify how and when presentation skills can be used State the skills needed to deliver an effective presentation Describe how to systematically prepare for a presentation Explain methods of enhancing the quality of presentations Present information in an interesting, informative and imaginative way to keep audience interest

4 The 10 Worst Human Fears Death Financial Problems Sickness Heights
Speaking Before a Group Flying Loneliness Deep Water Dogs Insects / Bugs

5 Three Themes Message Control Visuals 

6 Your Ideas! What makes good presentation?
Invite contributions form the audience – ask them to reflect on any previous presentations that have made an impact on them and why Clear structure Clarity in communication Targets the audience Interesting and relevant Takes account of different learning preferences and or needs – visual as well as verbal, handouts to explain complex data etc Opportunity for questions/ contibutions All above will involve thorough preparation

7 Presentation Iceberg Effect
90% Preparation

8 Message The right message in the right way to the right people
FOUR STEPS Know audience Know your material - generate ideas Structure Practise Step 1 Know your audience Step 2 Generate Ideas Step 3 Structure your presentation Step 4 Practice

9 Step1 - Know Your Audience
You need to find out: what they need to know what they already know what they want to know what their interests are what language they speak eg formal/informal/jargon Know what they are interested in Know their backgrounds if possible Try to relax with your audience, appear relaxed and friendly, smile! KEEP THE AUDIENCE INETRESTED Relate the information to them use examples or case studies that they will understand What language do they speak???? Do not use jargon, unless you know for certain that they will understand it Visual aids are very useful and effective tools when used correctly. They provide variety and help you to get the message across

10 Step 2 Know your material Generate ideas and then prioritise
Must have Could have Should have

11 Mind Mapping

12 Step 3 - Structure Presentation Sandwich
Tell them what you are going to tell them! Introduction - 10% Tell them! Key areas 80% Tell them what you’ve told them! Summary & Conclusion 10%

13 Introduction This is your big moment to impress (or not!)
Capture audience interest Introduce yourself/team Tell them clearly what to expect State your objectives – what talk is about How long you will be speaking If and when they can ask questions Structure your material Do not have too much material Cut out material which does not meet your objectives or that you are not happy with Make sure your material is appropriate to your audience Structure your information Know what comes first and subsequent Arrange material into key points Highlight key points

14 Middle - Key areas Depends on length of presentation but:
Highlight a few key points – your audience will only remember a few things Give examples and anecdotes to make the points more interesting

15 Summary and conclusion
Summarise what you have said End on a definite note – prepare a great ending statement Thank your audience for listening Take questions

16 NewsNight “The Headlines “Tonight’s stories in more detail ...”
“And the main points of tonight’s news again ...” Introduction Main Body Summary NewsNight

17 Your own prompts PowerPoint handouts
Cards ( can be helpful but no substitute for really knowing your subject) The PC screen Key statements not the whole talk

18 Step 4 Practise Really important Time yourself again and again
Record yourself Make your friends listen to you! Book a mock presentation with your Careers Adviser Practise, practise, practise

19 Getting your message across
Impact ! What you say - 20% How you say it - 30% Body Language - 50% It’s not so much what you say, as how you say it!!! 7% what you say, tone of voice accounts for 38%, and body language accounts for 55%

20 Control Nerves

21 “The day I lose my stage fright is the day I stop acting”
Nerves Nerves Are Natural “The day I lose my stage fright is the day I stop acting” Sir Laurence Olivier

22 Strategies for coping with nerves
The more uncertain you are, the more nervous you will be, so rehearse! rehearse! rehearse! Take deep breaths - try it now! Drink water Smile Control your mind – positive self talk – visualise that audience applauding! Take a deep breath – hold it 1,2,3,4,5, now let it out slowly, slowly and keep doing that

23 Take Control Of Yourself
Smile Eye Contact Consider where to stand Gestures Body Language Think about your voice Enunciate / Project/Tone/Pace Watch out for non words Nerves Timekeeping

24 Visuals

25 Ancient Chinese Proverb
Tell me, I will forget Show me, I may remember Involve me, and I will understand

26 Visual Aids

27 Visual Aids – KISS Keep them simple and clear
Make sure they are relevant Make them: Big Bold Brilliant

28 So……Powerpoint Don’t overuse it Don’t read it word for word
Remember the 7’s (on average no more than 7 words a line or 7 lines per page) Maybe have a backup plan for important presentations Think about handouts (or other AVAs??)

29 Advanced Presentation skills
Pauses Emphasis Inflection Repetition JFK - Parallelisms 11

30 Steve Jobs

31 Accenture Essential Skills Series
Summary Message Control Visuals  Accenture Essential Skills Series

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