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Walk Two Moons Ch Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "Walk Two Moons Ch Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Walk Two Moons Ch. 1-22 Vocabulary
Chapter peculiar Chapter suspend Chapter 3 3. omnipotent 4. dignified chapter 6 5. diabolic 6. divulge Chapter 8 7. detect 8. mournfully 9. ambush Chapter 9 10. pandemonium 11. potential Chapter 13 12. malevolent 13. deprived Chapter 22 14. peer 15. malinger 16. coaxed 17. console 18. amnesia 19. lather 20. perdict

2 peculiar pe⋅cu⋅liar [pi-kyool-yer]
Adjective unusual or eccentric, odd

3 2. suspend sus⋅pend [suh-spend]
–verb to stop for a period of time; interrupt

4 3. omnipotent om⋅nip⋅o⋅tent [om-nip-uh-tuh nt]
 –adjective having very great or unlimited authority or power.

5 4.Dignified dig⋅ni⋅fied [dig-nuh-fahyd]–
–adjective Nobility of character

6 5. diabolic (dī′ə bäl′ik)
adjective very wicked or cruel; fiendish

7 6. divulge di·vulge [di vulj]
Verb To reveal something

8 (Ch. 8) 7. detect de·tect [di tekt]
Verb To discover the fact of

9 8. mournfully mourn·ful [mawrnfel]
adjective Sorrowfully: grievingly

10 9. ambush am·bush [amboosh]
verb To lie in wait; to attack by surprise

11 10. pandemonium pan·de·mo·ni·um [pandə monnee əm]
noun chaos: wild uproar; noise

12 11. potential po·ten·tial [ pə tenshəl]
adjective Capable of being, but not yet in existence

13 12. malevolent ma·lev·o·lent [mə levvələnt]
adjective having or showing intense often vicious ill will toward others

14 13. deprived* de·prived [di prīvd]
adjective To take something away from

15 14. peer peer [peer] verb To look intently

16 15. malinger ma·lin·ger [mə ling gər]
verb 1. to fake illness to avoid work

17 16. coax [koks] verb 1. to persuade gently

18 17. console con·sole [kən sōl]
verb to comfort

19 18. amnesia am·ne·sia [am neezhə]
noun loss of memory as a result of shock, injury, psychological disturbance, or medical disorder

20 19. lather lath·er [lathər]
noun state of agitation: a state of agitation or nervous anxiety

21 20. predict pre·dict [pre dikt]
verb to tell about in advance

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