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The Body in Delivery.

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Presentation on theme: "The Body in Delivery."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Body in Delivery

2 Why is this important?

3 A couple really important ones…


5 Maintain directness Lets people know they are recognized Indicates acknowledgement and respect Signals to your audience members that you see them as unique

6 Adopted from Toastmasters
Four Types of Gestures Adopted from Toastmasters

7 Descriptive Gestures Help to clarify a verbal message
They help the audience understand comparisons and contrasts, and visualize the size, shape, movement, location, function, and number of objects.

8 Emphatic Gestures Underscore or emphasize the importance of what is being said They indicate earnestness and conviction

9 Suggestive Gestures Symbols of ideas and emotions
They help a speaker create a desired mood or express a particular thought

10 Prompting Gestures Used to help evoke a desired response from the audience

11 Four Ways to Make Your Body Speak Effectively
Adopted from Toastmasters

12 1. Eliminate Distracting Mannerisms
rocking swaying pacing gripping or leaning on the lectern tapping the fingers biting or licking the lips jingling pocket change frowning adjusting hair or clothing turning the head and eyes from side to side flipping pens


14 2. Be Natural, Spontaneous and Conversational
Be yourself! Do not try to imitate anyone Focus on the message and sharing your ideas, not on your performance The most effective gestures are spontaneous

15 3. Let Your Body Mirror Your Feelings
“A person under the influence of his feelings projects the real self, acting naturally and spontaneously. A speaker who is interested will usually be interesting.” Dale Carnegie (The Father of Modern Public Speaking)

16 3. Let Your Body Mirror Your Feelings
If you are interested in your topic and you believe in what you are saying, your nonverbal behavior will flow from within and will naturally align with what you are saying. The most effective gestures are spontaneous

17 4. Build Self-Confidence through Preparation
Knowing that you are prepared = confidence. Period. When you are prepared, you can focus outward toward your audience rather than inward toward your feelings of anxiety. Practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice


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