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Sections of Presentation Section-1 Introduction of Project Section-1 Introduction of Project Section-2 Data Analysis Section-2 Data Analysis Section-3.

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Presentation on theme: "Sections of Presentation Section-1 Introduction of Project Section-1 Introduction of Project Section-2 Data Analysis Section-2 Data Analysis Section-3."— Presentation transcript:


2 Sections of Presentation Section-1 Introduction of Project Section-1 Introduction of Project Section-2 Data Analysis Section-2 Data Analysis Section-3 Black Spots Analysis Section-3 Black Spots Analysis Section-4 Safety of Vulnerable Road User Groups & Critical Issues Section-4 Safety of Vulnerable Road User Groups & Critical Issues Section-5 RIDER SAFETY (Focus of the Month) Section-5 RIDER SAFETY (Focus of the Month)

3 Section-1 Introduction of Project

4 City wide traffic injury research JPMC Initiative JPMC Initiative Assisted by: N.E.D University N.E.D University Aga Khan University Hospital Aga Khan University Hospital Supported by: Indus Motors Company Ltd. Supported by: Indus Motors Company Ltd.

5 To Quantify and assess severity Of RTAs To Quantify and assess severity Of RTAs Identification of vulnerable road user groups Identification of vulnerable road user groups Identification of Major causes of accidents Identification of Major causes of accidents Assess pattern & behavior of accidents on Major Arterials Assess pattern & behavior of accidents on Major Arterials Detailed analysis of Black Spots Detailed analysis of Black Spots

6 Description Collection of data from five hospitals Collection of data from five hospitals JPMC JPMC Civil Hospital Civil Hospital Abbasi Shaheed Hospital Abbasi Shaheed Hospital Liaquat National Hospital & Liaquat National Hospital & Aga Khan Hospital Aga Khan Hospital By 35 Research Assistants 24x7 By 35 Research Assistants 24x7 All data is collected & Analyzed All data is collected & Analyzed

7 Process Cycle - I Data collection At hospital Analysis Intervention Strategies Strategies Data Entry Transfer to JPMC

8 Process Cycle -II StakeholderIdentification Evaluation Intervention Strategies Strategies Implementation StakeholderCoordination

9 Project Progress 35607 injuries (2967 injuries/month) & 892 (74 fatalities/month) fatalities have been registered in 12 months ( from Jan 07 to Dec 07) 35607 injuries (2967 injuries/month) & 892 (74 fatalities/month) fatalities have been registered in 12 months ( from Jan 07 to Dec 07) Vulnerable road user group identified Vulnerable road user group identified Major causes of accident identified. Major causes of accident identified. Many Black Spots identified & analyzed Many Black Spots identified & analyzed

10 RTIR & Prevention Centre Initiatives Data collection, categorization, Analysis Data collection, categorization, Analysis Data plotting on GIS being carried out. Data plotting on GIS being carried out. Highlighting Black spots to concerned authorities Highlighting Black spots to concerned authorities Facilitating RTI patients in Trauma Facilitating RTI patients in Trauma Helmet enforcement initiative. Helmet enforcement initiative. Onsite Accident Investigation Onsite Accident Investigation Road Safety Audits. Road Safety Audits. Periodical Section. Periodical Section. Corporate sector involvement in road safety Corporate sector involvement in road safety PQA Road user group established PQA Road user group established

11 Section-2 Data Analysis

12 Major concerns Major arterial survey shows Riders (64%) and Pedestrians (21%) most vulnerable Third vulnerable group is Passenger (11%). This group is most vulnerable on Highways leading out of Karachi. Increased speed increases severity

13 Data Limitations RTI victims reported to five hospitals are included RTI victims reported to five hospitals are included On the spot expiries which are directly brought to mortuary are not included On the spot expiries which are directly brought to mortuary are not included PDO accidents are not included PDO accidents are not included

14 Number of Accidents From Feb 07 we are also calculating number of accidents From Feb 07 we are also calculating number of accidents From Feb 07, 17486 accidents have been resulted in 20961 injuries From Feb 07, 17486 accidents have been resulted in 20961 injuries At average 1.19 injuries per accident have been calculated At average 1.19 injuries per accident have been calculated

15 DATA ANALYSIS (Jan 07 to Dec 07)

16 Monthly Variation in RTIs

17 Monthly Variation in Severity

18 Typical Weekly Pattern

19 Typical Weekly Pattern in Expiry

20 Accidents by Time of Day

21 Variation in severity by time of day

22 Monthly Variation

23 Road User Group

24 Expiries of Road User Groups

25 Monthly Variation in Expiries of Road User Groups

26 Injury to Body Parts

27 Gender

28 Mode of Arrival

29 History Given by

30 If Patient is Driver/Passenger of Car

31 Location Details

32 Towns Note: Cases from unidentified locations are not included

33 Age Group

34 Age Group VS Severity

35 Age Group Distribution in Road Users

36 Karachi Population Group & Risk of Death in RTI

37 Risk of Vehicle Involvement in RTI

38 Vehicles Involved in Injury VS Severity

39 Severity of Injury on Major Arterials of Karachi

40 Road User Group on Major Arterials

41 About 1788 cases form different bridges have been reported in 2007. Bridges, Flyovers & Underpasses

42 CAUSE ANALYSIS Road User Fault Road & Environment fault Vehicle Fault

43 CAUSE ANALYSIS ROAD USER FAULT Over-speeding. Over taking Lane jumping On turning Medical related ( under the influence of drugs/ dizziness overloaded vehicle Fall from moving vehicle Sudden application of brakes drug addict/drunk driving / Unconscious & Inattention Cloth(scarf) into wheel/chain Parked Vehicle(sudden opening of door) Road Crossing (Hit while walking/standing/sleeping on the roadside/footpath) Child Action(hit while playing on road) Signal Violations Wrong Way Driving No Indication /Care While Turning. novice drivers(risky driving/adventure/racing/underage driving, unskilled driving) Animal Action

44 CAUSE ANALYSIS ENVIRONMENTAL & ROAD FAULT Dilapidated Road Under construction Slippages due to oil/water/rainwater/sewerage water/sand/stone Insufficient illumination Improper/Invisible speed breaker

45 CAUSE ANALYSIS VEHICULAR FAULT Brake failure Misc Vehicle fault Tyre burst


47 3228 injuries & 77 fatalities have been recorded during the month 3228 injuries & 77 fatalities have been recorded during the month Vulnerable road user groups identified Vulnerable road user groups identified Major causes of accidents identified Major causes of accidents identified Black Spots identified & analyzed Black Spots identified & analyzed

48 Compared to Oct 06 there is an increase - Minor 79.22% Serious 18.78% & Fatal 1.99% Compared to Sep 07 a decrease is noticeable - Minor 81.22% Serious 15.23% & Fatal 3.55% Note: 1401 total Injury & 47 Fatal injury reported from out of Karachi (79.22%) (18.78%) (1.99%) (81.22%) (15.23%) (3.55%)

49 Section-3 Black Spots Analysis

50 Black Spot The location where the number of accidents are relatively high is termed as black spot The location where the number of accidents are relatively high is termed as black spot Black Spot is a location at which there is one or more distinctive, adverse geometric features such as horizontal or vertical curves, bridges, underpasses, or intersection. Black Spot is a location at which there is one or more distinctive, adverse geometric features such as horizontal or vertical curves, bridges, underpasses, or intersection. In urban areas, the distance between intersection is often termed as Black Spot In urban areas, the distance between intersection is often termed as Black Spot (Handbook of Highway Engineering)

51 Black Spot Analysis Following Black Spots Have Been Identified And Analyzed Following Black Spots Have Been Identified And Analyzed Korangi Road Korangi Road Numaish Intersection Numaish Intersection Jama Cloth Intersection Jama Cloth Intersection Matric Board Office Matric Board Office Baloch Colony Baloch Colony Ftc Flyover Ftc Flyover Ghani Chowrangi Ghani Chowrangi Haroonabad Haroonabad Lyari Railway Station & Tcf School Lyari Railway Station & Tcf School Crown Cinema And Wazir Mansion Crown Cinema And Wazir Mansion Gulbai Intersection Gulbai Intersection Northern Bypass And Hub River Road Five Star Intersection U-turn On Mai Kolachi Road Shaheed-e-millat Extension Sakraan Road New Karachi Manzil Pump National Highway Jinnah Bridge Bhains Mor (In Progress) Landhi (In Progress)

52 Jinnah Bridge Jinnah Bridge was analyzed in collaboration with NED and KPT Jinnah Bridge was analyzed in collaboration with NED and KPT Audit Report has been submitted to KPT and suggested improvements will be implemented soon Audit Report has been submitted to KPT and suggested improvements will be implemented soon

53 Jinnah Bridge Identification of vulnerable road users using data (Sep06 to Aug07) Identification of vulnerable road users using data (Sep06 to Aug07) Rider/ Pillion PedestrianPassengerDriverTotal Minor1399145167 Serious31421763 Expired19-1121 Total189133613251

54 Jinnah Bridge Micro Analysis of Data Micro Analysis of Data 187(71%) accidents out of 265 were involving single vehicle 187(71%) accidents out of 265 were involving single vehicle Type of collision in most of accidents involving two vehicle is Merging Type of collision in most of accidents involving two vehicle is Merging 93 (35%) cases were reported with accident in absence of daylight 93 (35%) cases were reported with accident in absence of daylight 20 cases were reported when bike riders was taking U-turn wrong way 20 cases were reported when bike riders was taking U-turn wrong way

55 Jinnah Bridge Data reveals that motorbike riders are most vulnerable Data reveals that motorbike riders are most vulnerable Single vehicle runoff accidents indicate problem of centrifugal force at curves of the bridge Single vehicle runoff accidents indicate problem of centrifugal force at curves of the bridge Merging collisions at Central Roundabout indicate improper provisions for speed calming and merging Merging collisions at Central Roundabout indicate improper provisions for speed calming and merging 35% accidents in night, though exposure is very low indicate problem of insufficient illumination 35% accidents in night, though exposure is very low indicate problem of insufficient illumination

56 Jinnah Bridge After identification of problems from data, detailed audit of Jinnah Bridge was carried out After identification of problems from data, detailed audit of Jinnah Bridge was carried out Improper Safety Provisions on Horizontal Curve Skid Resistance on curve was measured, which is less than the skid resistance on Abulhasan Isphahani Road & reduced dramatically under wet condition

57 Jinnah Bridge Merging Problem on all four legs of Roundabout Unauthorized U-turn at the end of the Ramp



60 National Highway

61 High number of pedestrians and riders involvement in accidents, challenges the status of road as Highway. As High number of pedestrians and riders involvement in accidents, challenges the status of road as Highway. As Highway is the road with restricted access and higher mobility (AASHTO) Highway is the road with restricted access and higher mobility (AASHTO)

62 Uncontrolled Intersections at Manzil Pump, Bhains Mor, Bin Qasim Mor, Steel Mor and Hadeed Mor Road Safety Audit was conducted on the segment of National Highway Road Safety Audit was conducted on the segment of National Highway National Highway

63 Unauthorized Cuts in median to create access points Dilapidated pavement condition

64 National Highway Deteriorated condition of shoulder, illegal parking & loading unloading activity on Highway No pavement marking and guide signs for road users

65 National Highway The findings of Audit were presented to concerned authorities and road users The findings of Audit were presented to concerned authorities and road users Jurisdiction Issue Jurisdiction Issue PQA Road User Group has been formed to aware road users about the problems PQA Road User Group has been formed to aware road users about the problems Meeting of Governors Group on Road Safety has been called to resolve the problems Meeting of Governors Group on Road Safety has been called to resolve the problems

66 Korangi Road Section of Korangi Road from Qayyumabad to end of Korangi Naddi is critical Section of Korangi Road from Qayyumabad to end of Korangi Naddi is critical 629 more cases have been reported since last meeting out of which 24 were expired, most of the cases are reported from this section 629 more cases have been reported since last meeting out of which 24 were expired, most of the cases are reported from this section Two way traffic is operated on 40 ft wide road due to head-on accidents are reported from this section Two way traffic is operated on 40 ft wide road due to head-on accidents are reported from this section Besides over speeding and overtaking, other factors are: Besides over speeding and overtaking, other factors are:

67 No Street Lights No Street Lights Absence of Median Absence of Median Sand Loading Activity Sand Loading Activity Poor Condition of Shoulder Poor Condition of Shoulder

68 Mauripur Road 626 RTI victims have been reported from Mauripur Road (From Sep 06 to May 07) 626 RTI victims have been reported from Mauripur Road (From Sep 06 to May 07) Out of these 626 Victims 149 were Pedestrian out of which 12 were expired Out of these 626 Victims 149 were Pedestrian out of which 12 were expired Mauripur Road is High Risk Zone for Pedestrian Mauripur Road is High Risk Zone for Pedestrian Wazir Mansion, TCF School, Crown Cinema and Lyari Railway Station have been identified as Black Spots Wazir Mansion, TCF School, Crown Cinema and Lyari Railway Station have been identified as Black Spots

69 Lyari Railway Station & TCF School Absence of Fencing 23 ft high bridge is not user friendly, so underutilized

70 Mauripur Road These two Bridges at TCF School and at Lyari Railway Station are located about 1.75 km away These two Bridges at TCF School and at Lyari Railway Station are located about 1.75 km away Two more Pedestrian Bridges are required one at Wazir Mansion and other at Crown Cinema. Two more Pedestrian Bridges are required one at Wazir Mansion and other at Crown Cinema. Wazir Mansion is 0.35km away from existing TCF school Pedestrian Bridge Wazir Mansion is 0.35km away from existing TCF school Pedestrian Bridge Crown Cinema is 0.75km away from existing Lyari Railway Station Pedestrian Bridge Crown Cinema is 0.75km away from existing Lyari Railway Station Pedestrian Bridge

71 Crown Cinema & Wazir Mansion Lack of Pedestrian Facility Insufficient illumination Presence of 26 high barrier makes it difficult to cross especially for women and elder people

72 Sakran Road (Balochistan) Two way traffic is operated on 16ft wide road with narrow shoulder of 4ft Two way traffic is operated on 16ft wide road with narrow shoulder of 4ft Traffic is composed of Dumpers, Passenger Buses and Motorbikes Traffic is composed of Dumpers, Passenger Buses and Motorbikes


74 Sakran Road Culvert Without Barrier Culvert Without Barrier Poor Pavement Condition Poor Pavement Condition Insufficient Illumination Insufficient Illumination Narrow width of Shoulder Narrow width of Shoulder Risky behavior of Bike Riders and Driver of Dumpers Risky behavior of Bike Riders and Driver of Dumpers

75 Road Safety Audits Following Corridors were analyzed, based on joint recommendations of CDGK and Traffic Police Following Corridors were analyzed, based on joint recommendations of CDGK and Traffic Police Hub river road Hub river road Manghopir road Manghopir road Orangi Road Orangi Road Hakim Ibn-e-Sina Road Hakim Ibn-e-Sina Road Site Avenue Site Avenue Hawks Bay Road Hawks Bay Road Audit Report submitted to CDGK & Traffic Police

76 Road Users on Audited Roads

77 Recommendations for Improving Safety on Audited Rods Motorcyclists have been the dominating road users group on all roads. Motorcyclists have been the dominating road users group on all roads. Motorcycle injuries mostly relates to over speeding, Slippages (due to water /oil/ sand), on turnings & sudden application of Brakes, bad illumination. Road Maintenance, cleaning, speeds reduction at intersections / cuts and proper illumination can greatly influence injury rates. Motorcycle injuries mostly relates to over speeding, Slippages (due to water /oil/ sand), on turnings & sudden application of Brakes, bad illumination. Road Maintenance, cleaning, speeds reduction at intersections / cuts and proper illumination can greatly influence injury rates. The second vulnerable group is pedestrian. The second vulnerable group is pedestrian. The absence of Pedestrian facilities including Footpaths & Road Crossing facilities are almost lacking in most areas. The absence of Pedestrian facilities including Footpaths & Road Crossing facilities are almost lacking in most areas. We are proposing Raised pedestrian crossing and additional Pedestrian friendly bridges as a measure to counter increasing trend in road crossing injuries. We are proposing Raised pedestrian crossing and additional Pedestrian friendly bridges as a measure to counter increasing trend in road crossing injuries. Concentrated pedestrian flow areas should also be complimented by Flickering warning signals to warn Drivers & Bikers of the danger ahead. Concentrated pedestrian flow areas should also be complimented by Flickering warning signals to warn Drivers & Bikers of the danger ahead.

78 Safe Bus stops plays a very important role in regulating Pedestrian flows, Allocation of Bus stops in consultation with the transport association and implementation is imperative. Safe Bus stops plays a very important role in regulating Pedestrian flows, Allocation of Bus stops in consultation with the transport association and implementation is imperative. Pedestrian flow areas at High speed lanes, Bridges / Underpasses ramps needs to be shifted by regulating through Bus Stops. Bus Stops to be always complimented with Safe road crossing facility. Pedestrian flow areas at High speed lanes, Bridges / Underpasses ramps needs to be shifted by regulating through Bus Stops. Bus Stops to be always complimented with Safe road crossing facility. The percentage of Road Fault is high on all roads. Suggesting the need for road Maintenance, cleaning, illumination, speed reduction at cuts / intersections. The percentage of Road Fault is high on all roads. Suggesting the need for road Maintenance, cleaning, illumination, speed reduction at cuts / intersections. All Major arterials were devoid / non operative of Street lights, Severity during night time is high at locations where no street lights are operating / installed. We propose to have Street lights specifically at intersections / U Turns and high pedestrian flow areas. All Major arterials were devoid / non operative of Street lights, Severity during night time is high at locations where no street lights are operating / installed. We propose to have Street lights specifically at intersections / U Turns and high pedestrian flow areas. In a bid to counter Wrong way movement we propose that the Service roads be upgraded; If the provision of service road is not available; the U turns / cuts should be not far enough to deter road users to prompt in taking wrong way. In a bid to counter Wrong way movement we propose that the Service roads be upgraded; If the provision of service road is not available; the U turns / cuts should be not far enough to deter road users to prompt in taking wrong way. Safe Engineering measures suggested to reduce speed on Merging, Intersections, U Turns / cuts. Special attention to be given on Bridges, Flyovers & Underpasses. Safe Engineering measures suggested to reduce speed on Merging, Intersections, U Turns / cuts. Special attention to be given on Bridges, Flyovers & Underpasses. All street lanes joining major arterials should have speed curtailing devices. All street lanes joining major arterials should have speed curtailing devices.

79 Speed Management on these vital roads were missing; allocations of speed limits, signage, and Enforcement necessary if injury rates are to be brought down. Speed Management on these vital roads were missing; allocations of speed limits, signage, and Enforcement necessary if injury rates are to be brought down. Hub river road needs to be given urgent attention as Passenger related injuries are high. Dual carriage way with proper illumination, bus stops with road crossing facilities & maintenance is necessary. As a current precautionary measure Overspeeding of Passenger buses should be checked through enforcement. Hub river road needs to be given urgent attention as Passenger related injuries are high. Dual carriage way with proper illumination, bus stops with road crossing facilities & maintenance is necessary. As a current precautionary measure Overspeeding of Passenger buses should be checked through enforcement. The merging points of Northern by pass with Hub river road to be made safe. The merging points of Northern by pass with Hub river road to be made safe. Pedestrian injuries at Mauripur is agreed on with the CDGK report. Pedestrian injuries at Mauripur is agreed on with the CDGK report. The expansion of Hawks bay road is not agreed upon. The solution of HTVs parking on the median can be resolved by upgrading the Service road and facilitating the Transporters / Workshops. The expansion of Hawks bay road is not agreed upon. The solution of HTVs parking on the median can be resolved by upgrading the Service road and facilitating the Transporters / Workshops. Youngsters Motorcyclist injuries (particularly on Weekends) on Hawks bay road should be curtailed through Engineering & Enforcement. Youngsters Motorcyclist injuries (particularly on Weekends) on Hawks bay road should be curtailed through Engineering & Enforcement. Wrong way movements, conflict points arising at Petrol pump (Nazimabad) to be attended on priority. Wrong way movements, conflict points arising at Petrol pump (Nazimabad) to be attended on priority. Jinnah Bridge has proved very dangerous for Motorcyclist, Warning signs to prohibit riders to use upper ramp is imperative. Jinnah Bridge has proved very dangerous for Motorcyclist, Warning signs to prohibit riders to use upper ramp is imperative.

80 Accident Investigation Program Head-on collision Between Trailer & Dumper due to over speeding of Dumper Head-on collision Between Trailer & Dumper due to over speeding of Dumper Collision b/w Coach & Truck due to uncontrolled intersection at Lucky Hotel Northern Bypass Collision b/w Coach & Truck due to uncontrolled intersection at Lucky Hotel Northern Bypass

81 All findings of the expiries of a month should be discussed among all stake holders of road safety and remedial measures should be implemented Expiry of bicyclist & collision between 3 trailers on National Highway (Manzil Pump) due to over speeding & insufficient illumination Expiry of bicyclist & collision between 3 trailers on National Highway (Manzil Pump) due to over speeding & insufficient illumination Collision b/w Bus & Motorbike Collision b/w Bus & Motorbike Expiry of Motorbike Rider in Landhi#1 unit89 due to wrong way driving on Expiry of Motorbike Rider in Landhi#1 unit89 due to wrong way driving on one-way road

82 Section-4 Safety of Vulnerable Road User Groups & Critical Issues

83 Protection of Vulnerable Road User Groups Bike Riders & Pedestrians have been Identified as vulnerable road user groups Bike Riders & Pedestrians have been Identified as vulnerable road user groups

84 Pedestrian Safety Second most vulnerable group (22% in Injuries & 38% in Expiries) Second most vulnerable group (22% in Injuries & 38% in Expiries) First in Severity index (%) First in Severity index (%) Most vulnerable pedestrian by age are less than 16 (12.80%) and more than 51 (6.70%) Most vulnerable pedestrian by age are less than 16 (12.80%) and more than 51 (6.70%)Recommendation Improve pedestrian facilities including crossing, Pedestrian light signal at all signalized intersections Improve pedestrian facilities including crossing, Pedestrian light signal at all signalized intersections Street lights specially on pedestrian high volume locations Street lights specially on pedestrian high volume locations Locate pedestrian crossing / facilities at bus stop Locate pedestrian crossing / facilities at bus stop Speed reduction measures where pedestrian volumes are high Speed reduction measures where pedestrian volumes are high Children and elderly require special attention Children and elderly require special attention Provision of raised pedestrian crossing Provision of raised pedestrian crossing

85 Critical Issues Non wearing of Helmets Non wearing of Helmets Over speeding (Bikers & HTVs) Over speeding (Bikers & HTVs) Pedestrian Facilities Pedestrian Facilities Bus stops Bus stops Safety at Under construction Areas Safety at Under construction Areas Involvement of HTVs / Visibility Involvement of HTVs / Visibility Safe Merging & segregation (Bridges/Flyovers/Underpasses) Safe Merging & segregation (Bridges/Flyovers/Underpasses) Dripping water (Water Tankers / Fisheries) Dripping water (Water Tankers / Fisheries) Black spots Black spots

86 Critical Issues Wrong way Movement ( Service road to play greater role) Wrong way Movement ( Service road to play greater role) Parked vehicle (Bridges / Flyover / Underpass) Parked vehicle (Bridges / Flyover / Underpass) Road Maintenance / Cleaning Road Maintenance / Cleaning Insufficient illumination (Intersection / U Turns) Insufficient illumination (Intersection / U Turns) Signal violation accidents during night time Signal violation accidents during night time

87 Safety Measures in Under Construction Areas To minimize safety hazards in work zones, following administrative measures should be taken To minimize safety hazards in work zones, following administrative measures should be taken The Traffic Control and Safety measures for the construction area should be evaluated and reviewed with the officials responsible for traffic operations and traffic enforcement. The Traffic Control and Safety measures for the construction area should be evaluated and reviewed with the officials responsible for traffic operations and traffic enforcement. Responsibility for the various elements of the traffic control plan, including signing and manual control should be clearly identified. Responsibility for the various elements of the traffic control plan, including signing and manual control should be clearly identified.

88 Safety Measures in Under Construction Areas Those elements of the Traffic Control Plan that will be the responsibility of the contractor should be specifically identified and made part of the contract plans and specifications. Those elements of the Traffic Control Plan that will be the responsibility of the contractor should be specifically identified and made part of the contract plans and specifications. In advance of actual construction all interested organizations should be brought together at a pre construction conference and their specific responsibilities should be identified. In advance of actual construction all interested organizations should be brought together at a pre construction conference and their specific responsibilities should be identified. During construction there should be regular inspection in all aspects of the construction area traffic control and Safety Program. During construction there should be regular inspection in all aspects of the construction area traffic control and Safety Program.

89 Sharp Turnings on Flyovers No Provision of Safety devices on sharp turnings such as turnings of FTC Flyover, Colony Gate Flyover, Karsaz Flyover, Stadium Road Flyover & Jinnah Bridge No Provision of Safety devices on sharp turnings such as turnings of FTC Flyover, Colony Gate Flyover, Karsaz Flyover, Stadium Road Flyover & Jinnah Bridge Safety devices should be installed on sharp turnings of flyovers Safety devices should be installed on sharp turnings of flyovers Some of the newly constructed bridges have good safety provisions on Sharp turnings such as Sher Shah Bridge & Sohrab Goth flyover Some of the newly constructed bridges have good safety provisions on Sharp turnings such as Sher Shah Bridge & Sohrab Goth flyover

90 Dripping Water Tankers

91 Critical Issues Horticulture water distribution



94 Involvement of HTVs in Fatal Accidents Out of 189 Pedestrian expiries 17.7% were expired by Motorbikes, 22.3% by cars & 60% by HTVs (Including Dumper, Bus/Minibus, Tanker, Trailer & Coaster) Out of 189 Pedestrian expiries 17.7% were expired by Motorbikes, 22.3% by cars & 60% by HTVs (Including Dumper, Bus/Minibus, Tanker, Trailer & Coaster) Out of 199 Rider/ Pillion Rider expiries 17.5% riders were hit by cars & 82.5% by HTVs Out of 199 Rider/ Pillion Rider expiries 17.5% riders were hit by cars & 82.5% by HTVs There is a need for speed management and monitoring program of HTVs There is a need for speed management and monitoring program of HTVs

95 Section-5 Rider Safety Focus of the month

96 Rider Issues Most vulnerable group 65% injury 43% fatal Most vulnerable group 65% injury 43% fatal 86% of rider fatalities were due to Head Injury 86% of rider fatalities were due to Head Injury Lack of riding skills Lack of riding skills Violation of rules Violation of rulesRecommendations o Mandatory Helmet Usage o Improve Riding Skills o Rigorous Enforcement of Rules o Mass Transit System should be materialized

97 If Patient is Motorbike Rider

98 Monthly Variation in Riders Injuries

99 Monthly Variation in Head Injuries of riders

100 Why Helmet is Necessary? Most of the bike riders expired, got serious head injuries Most of the bike riders expired, got serious head injuries Data till Oct 07, shows that out of 335 riders expired, 291 (86%) got serious head injuries Data till Oct 07, shows that out of 335 riders expired, 291 (86%) got serious head injuries By protecting bike riders against serious head injuries by helmet enforcement riders fatalities can be reduced By protecting bike riders against serious head injuries by helmet enforcement riders fatalities can be reduced

101 Helmet as Protective Device Out of 335 riders expiries, 222 were not wearing helmet & 12 were wearing helmet, 101 riders information about helmet could not be ascertained Out of 335 riders expiries, 222 were not wearing helmet & 12 were wearing helmet, 101 riders information about helmet could not be ascertained Out of 234 rider expiries, 194 riders got severe head injuries out of which 9 were wearing helmet Out of 234 rider expiries, 194 riders got severe head injuries out of which 9 were wearing helmet Out of 1182 riders hospitalized as an in- patient, 1081 were not wearing helmet and 101 were wearing helmet Out of 1182 riders hospitalized as an in- patient, 1081 were not wearing helmet and 101 were wearing helmet


103 HUNGARYMandatorySPAINMandatory ICELANDMandatorySWEDENMandatory ISRAELMandatorySWITZERLANDMandatory ITALYMandatoryTURKEY LATVIAMandatoryUNITED KINGDOMMandatory LITHUANIAMandatoryU.S.A Different regulations are applied by particular States

104 In US: About 51 percent of the unhelmeted riders suffered a head injury.

105 In Italy using motor scooter injury data from the Emergency Department of a teaching hospital.

106 Summary Priority should be accorded to most vulnerable groups i.e. rider and pedestrian through Engineering, Education & Enforcement Priority should be accorded to most vulnerable groups i.e. rider and pedestrian through Engineering, Education & Enforcement Improve Pedestrian Facilities Improve Pedestrian Facilities Enforce helmet usage Enforce helmet usage Mass Transit System should be materialized Mass Transit System should be materialized Dedicated roads for goods carrier Dedicated roads for goods carrier Time restriction for intra – city goods carrier Time restriction for intra – city goods carrier Speed reduction measures specially where pedestrian volumes are high Speed reduction measures specially where pedestrian volumes are high Improve road engineering specially at identified Black Spots Improve road engineering specially at identified Black Spots Dedicated Trauma ambulance service is required to reduce fatalities Dedicated Trauma ambulance service is required to reduce fatalities Contractual obligation to provide safety at all road works is required Contractual obligation to provide safety at all road works is required

107 Thank You

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