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Technological Opportunities to Improve Turnout in EP Elections

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1 Technological Opportunities to Improve Turnout in EP Elections
Making the case for a Transnational Voting Advice Application (V.A.A.) Diego Garzia University of Lucerne / European University Institute EP-EUI Policy Dialogue October 18th, 2018

2 Voting Advice Applications
VAAs are non-partisan online tools developed by NGOs, Universities and/or Media Outlets VAAs help users casting a vote by comparing their policy preferences with those of political parties


4 What is euandi? EU28 24 languages 121 experts in the country teams
242 political parties 30 statements (28+2) 7260 coded and documented party positions IN COLLABORATION WITH THE PARTIES


6 The VAA compares the user’s profile with that of each party, and through a matching algorithm provides a “voting advice” to users




10 Results from the 2016 VAA Census
Source: Voting Advice Applications Research Network

11 Diffusion: Users

12 Diffusion: Users

13 % of users among the voting population
Source: Respective National Election Studies

14 Impact on (many) users Information costs Political interest
Political knowledge Political participation (mirror function)

15 VAAs as a source of political information
Source: Finnish National Election Study, 2015

16 VAAs and Electoral Participation
Civic voluntarism model: Information and knowledge as pre-conditions for electoral participation Low information rationality: Individuals’ probability to cast a vote is inversely proportional to the effort involved in getting informed VAA-Research: VAAs provide cheap information and increase interest in and knowledge of political matters The Mechanism: Reduction of the representative deficit (MIRROR FUNCTION)

17 Turnout (increase in predicted probabilities, individual level)
Impact on users: Turnout (increase in predicted probabilities, individual level) Analysis of respective National Election Studies Adapted from: Garzia, Trechsel & De Angelis (2017) in Political Communication

18 Turnout (impact on overall turnout rate in % points, aggregate level)
Impact on users: Turnout (impact on overall turnout rate in % points, aggregate level) Analysis of respective National Election Studies Adapted from: Garzia, Trechsel & De Angelis (2017) in Political Communication

19 Source: Garzia, Trechsel & De Angelis (2017)
Source: Garzia, Trechsel & De Angelis (2017). Voting Advice Applications and Electoral Participation: A Multi-Method Study. Political Communication, online first.

20 Thank you! For more information…

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